Chapter Forty-Six

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I know that I shouldn't be spending time with Devin but I can't seem to stop. Nothing else has happened but I'm going to make it happen pretty soon. Holding him in the dark used to be enough but it's not anymore.

So, maybe I shouldn't spend time with him, but maybe I can. I mean, there's three weeks left of school and then I'll be gone for the summer. I can spend time with him.

"Riley, can you please stay after class?" Ms. Walter asks me. I snap out of my head.

"Huh? Oh, yeah," I say. After a couple of minutes the bell rings. I walk up to her desk. "So, what's up?" I ask her. She smiles at me.

"On Saturday there's a conference for middle school students to get talked to about high school by high schoolers," she tells me.

"Uh-huh, and why are you telling me this?" I ask her.

"I volunteered you and Devin," Ms. Walter says. Before I can say anything she cuts me off, "It's at Jefferson Middle School. Nine on Saturday. Tell Devin and I'll see you there." I shake my head as I walk to my next class.

I'm walking to lunch when I'm bump into something solid and hard. I drop my books and swear. "Sorry," Alex says. He helps me pick up my books.

"It's okay," I tell him.

"Can we talk about Devin's party?" he asks me. Heat creeps up my neck.

"Um, sure," I say.

"So I know that I kissed you," he starts. He kissed me? And then I remember. Right.

"Do you want go out? I like you, Alex," I ask him. He face twists in surprise.

"Yeah, I um, I like you too," he says.

I can use him as a distraction from Devin. I can spend time with Alex and then I'll have a legitimate excuse not to spend time with Devin. And not to kiss him. I know it's kind of a mean thing to do, but I actually do like Alex, so at least that much is true.

I grab his hand and we walk to lunch. Devin's eyebrows raise when he sees us. I sit down next to him and take a couple of fries off of his plate. Alex gets up to go get his lunch. Devin shoves his plate of food at me. "Thank you," I say.

I cross my legs under the table. Devin passes me his soda. I take a drink. Alex walks back with a sandwich and coffee. He hands me the coffee. "Thanks," I say. We sit there in awkward silence.

"Sooooo, do you have any plans for the summer?" Alex asks.

"I'm going to California for two months," I say.

"That's cool. My family lived there for a year and a half," Alex says. And then I can't think straight because Devin's hand is on my leg. I gasp softly. Alex is still talking but I can't hear him. All I can hear is the roar of blood in my ears. I look over at Devin and he's sitting there with a twinkle in his eye but other than that he looks completely normal.

Why is he doing this to me? Does he know that he's torturing me? He moves his hand a little bit higher on my leg and my breath catches in my throat. I uncross my legs and and cross my left leg over my right leg. Devin's hand moves with my leg.

Two can play his little game. I grab an my bag and stand up. I walk over to Alex's side of the table and sit down. I smile and then kiss Alex. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him deeply. He kisses me back. But it's nothing like my kisses with Devin. At all. I smile and then wipe my mouth off. I stand up and walk out of the lunch room leaving both of them dumbfounded.

I walk through the school to one of the back staircases that no one uses anymore. I walk down to the basement. We have basically nothing in the basement. There's a couple of classrooms for when rooms are having work done. But other than that it's abandoned.

I drop my bag to the ground and take off my sweatshirt. I have on a low cut shirt. I press my back to the wall and wait.

I hear someone walking down the steps. Devin smirks as he drops his bag right by mine. He walks towards me and leaves barely an inch between our bodies. "What are you doing?" I ask him. But I already know what he's doing.

"I don't like you kissing Alex," he murmurs as he bends down and his lips touch my neck.

"Oh yeah?" I ask him.

"I want you all to myself," Devin says.

"Well, you can't have me," I say. I push away from him and walk to the other side of the hall. I grin and stretch. I stand on my tip toes and stretch my arms over my head. My shirt rides up and my jeans ride down. His eyes are drawn to the bare skin exposed. "So what are you going to do about it?" I ask him. I really should stop talking.

Devin crosses the hall and then his lips are on mine and my arms are pinned above my head. He pins my arms with one hand and with the other hand he grips my hips. His body is pushing mine against the wall and his lips are kissing mine hungrily.

I kiss him back and press closer to him. He kisses my neck. "Devin?" I ask him.

"Yeah?" He's still kissing my neck.

"I have a boyfriend you know," I tell him. But he doesn't seem to care because then he's kissing my lips again and he's released my arms. His hands slip under my shirt and his mouth opens wider. I press my hips closer to him and tangle my hands in his hair. My head is spinning and I'm still kissing him. I slip my hands under his shirt and slide my hands over his stomach.

I shove him away and grin. He grins back at me and then grabs my hips and pulls me to him. I loop my arms around his neck. And then his mouth is on mine and I'm kissing him as hard as I can. Devin picks me up and my legs wrap around him. He keeps one arm under me and then other runs up waist and then down to my knee. I arch my body to be closer to his and kiss him harder, opening my mouth wider.

The bell rings. I tear my mouth away from Devin's. "We should get to class," I tell him. He runs his hand up my thigh. "Devin," I say. I unhook my legs from his hips but he still is hanging on to me, pressing my body to his.

"Do we have to?" he asks.

"Yes," I say. He sighs and releases me. I smooth down my hair and pull my shirt down. I wipe the back of my mouth off and grab my backpack. "Come on," I say. Devin grabs his bag and we walk to class. 

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