Chapter Thirty-Two

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Devin walks towards me. We're somewhere, I'm not sure where. It's a small space and I'm standing in the middle of it. "Where are we?" I ask him. He doesn't say anything just keeps walking towards me. "Devin, are you okay?" I ask him. He's only two steps away now.

I don't know what he's going to do. He closes the space between us. Our lips are only separated by centimeters. "What are you doing?" I ask him. The only response I get is that his lips crush mine. I gasp but immediately react.

I stretch up on my tip toes trying to get us closer. He runs one hand down my waist and then my hip and he tangles his other hand in my hair. I slip my hands under his shirt and explore his back. He moves his lips down my neck and then down my shoulder to my collar bone. I arch closer to him and runs my hands through his hair.

Devin kisses me again, this time on my lips. And I think I might die of happiness. I kiss him back and it's filled with passion and then he stops and whispers, "God, I've loved you forever." And then he goes back to kissing me.

I smile because he loves me. Devin loves me. I break the kiss to whisper in his ear, "I love you." And then he smiles and then kisses me softer this time. And I return the kiss with just as much affection.

I really do think I might die and I'd die happy because Devin loves me back.

Devin cups my face and runs his hand along my body. I smile and pull back to look into his beautiful stormy grey eyes. And then he-

"Riley wake up," someone says. I sit up and blink. I see Devin and then I rub my eyes.

"What?" I ask him.

"We're going out to dinner at a nice restaurant. Theo's sister just got him from her flight so we're going to dinner. You can come with, that's why I woke you up," Devin explains.

"Shit. Just give me ten minutes," I say. He nods and I grab a dress and makeup from my bag. I also grab stuff for my hair. I walk into the bathroom and lock the door. My mom made me pack a pretty black dress and a pair of heels in case we eat out out dinner.

I slip on the dress. It's pretty basic, a slightly dipping v-neck and it hugs my hips and but but flares out. It hands just a little bit short of my knee. I brush my hair and then decide I don't need makeup. I walk out of the bathroom and slip on the plain silver heels. I look at Devin and notice that he's in a black dress shirt and khakis.

"I'm ready," I say. I grab my phone and we walk to the elevator. "So, is the place in the hotel or.." I ask him. I'm trying to fill the awakened silence.

"No, it's not far from here. Are you okay if we walk?" Devin asks me. I nod. We stand in the elevator as it passes more and more floors.

"How was swimming?" I ask. I want to kick myself for sounding so lame.

"Good," he says. I can feel his eyes in me even though I'm staring at the doors waiting for them to open. They finally open and we walk through the lobby to get out. My heels click against the pavement as we walk. He looks like he's going to do something but decides better if it. And then he slips his arms around my waist, his fingers lightly touching me. I'm aware of everywhere he's touching me. I inhale sharply but don't say anything.

I think about slipping my arm around his waist. But then decide I shouldn't. We walk for a block and his hand never leaves my waist. I'm too deep in my mind to realize that there's a raise in the pavement. I trip and am about to go face first into the concrete but Devin's there to catch me.

One hand wraps low around my waist and the other wraps around my chest. "Are you okay?" he asks me. I forget to answer. "Babes?"

"Fine," I say. He helps me to stand up but doesn't let go. He hangs on for just a second too long before letting go.

"We're almost there," he says. I nod. I tuck my hair behind my ears and we walk into a restaurant. It seems to be one of the ones meant for young couples. Dimly lit, candles, themed with tones of red.

"Uh..." I say. Devin grins sheepishly at me.

"Yeah, I didn't know about this," he says. I spot Nick and Theo and then a girl is sitting with them in a booth.

"Have you met her?" I ask him as we walk towards them. He shakes his head. We walk to the booth and Theo scoots over so we can slide in.

"Riley, Devin, this is my younger sister Ellie," Theo says. Ellie looks a lot like her brother, high cheekbones, long eyelashes and almond shaped eyes.

"I'm Ellie," she says.

"Riley," I say, forcing a smile that's mainly fake.

"I'm Devin," Devin says using one of his grins that he uses to get girls. I pick up a menu to hide the disgust on my face. I never thought I'd be one of those people that got jealous.

What's happening to me?

A waitress comes by dressed in a very tight crimson colored cocktail dress. "Hi, can I take your orders?" she asks.

Theo, Nick and Ellie all order leaving me and Devin. "What are you going to get?" he asks me. I shrug. "I was going to get the Spicy Tuna Roll and the California Roll. Do you wanna split?" he asks me. I nod, he orders.

"And can I have a coffee?" I ask her. She wrinkles her nose but nods and leaves. We sit there in silence, unsure of what to say. I play with the hem of my dress.

"So...what kind of movies do you like?" Ellie asks.

Devin says, "I like action movies."

I say, "Yeah, shitty ones. But don't let him fool you, he's a huge Hugh Grant and Robert Pattinson fan. But personally I like either like romance or old horror movies." Ellie breaks out into a grin.

"I love old horror movies! And Twilight! Who's your favorite slasher? I like the old horror movies but have you seen Scream? It's more so in the '90's and 2000's but in the third one Roman was awesome! He's definitely in my top slashers," she says. I smile.

We make small talk until the food comes. Devin and I split the sushi. I get up to go to the bathroom and Ellie follows me. "Are you and Devin dating?" she asks. I don't blink.

"No, we're just best friends," I tell her. I fix my hair and wash my hands.

"Oh, okay," she says. "I just thought that maybe you guys were."

"We're not," I say. She nods. We walk back to the booth. The guys have paid so we're ready to leave. 

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