Waiting Game

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I couldn't help but to keep thinking about Adym, it felt like we really connected but it's been two whole days and he still hasn't texted me. Maybe I gave him the wrong number or maybe I just wasn't his type, I was stupid for thinking someone as hot as him would want someone as basic as me.
"Three more weeks and classes start again, I'm so not ready for this semester!" Bri said while flopping down on her bed.
"yea and two more weeks for my 21st birthday"
"What really? Susy we need to plan something! What did you want to do?"
"Honestly, probably nothing."
"What! No, no Susy that is a big NO we're going to celebrate come on it's your 21st we at least have to go to dinner and get some drinks."
"I'm just not used to celebrating, last birthday I celebrated was my quince, and it was a shitty ass day." My quince was so horrible, my mom wouldn't let me make any decisions on a party that was basically meant to celebrate me. Also a lot of people didn't really come since I didn't have much friends due to my parents being mad strict.
"Okay so this just means that we celebrate this one better come on Susy!"
"Bri I'll think about it."
*Hey it's Adym :) *
Oh shit he just texted me
"Bri he just texted me what do I say ?"
"Girl don't respond too fast, he took way too long to text you"
"Are you sure?"
"Duh you gotta make him beg for it"
"I guess you're right, I'll wait"
One hours later
*hey Adym*
20 minutes pass and he still hasn't texted back, I guess the waiting game begins. Two hours pass by
*hey sorry I've been busy but how you been?*
Should I wait or just reply? Fuck it I'm just going to reply.
*I've been okay and you*
*why just okay? And good*
*Idk gets pretty boring being out here and not really knowing anybody you know*
*I feel it, maybe we should hang out again so you could be less bored 😏*
"Bri what do you think he meant by this?" I had to show her, I honestly suck at flirting in person let alone flirting over text.
"Honestly with that emoji he added, he seemed pretty sexual to me"
"You think so? What should I say?"
"Let me see your phone"
*And how exactly would I be less bored with you ☺️*
"Bri really ! Don't make me sound too easy either"
"Susy calm down I won't haha"
*You know I can show you around LA, we can hang out, Netflix and chill ..*
"No stop see I didn't want all of this to just be about sex Bri"
"What why not you have to live a little"
To be honest I didn't have much sexual experience, I've only done it once and let's just say it didn't go so well.
"Oh my god are you still a virgin Susy?!"
"What no it's just I don't have much experience and I just wouldn't want to feel dumb you know"
"I get it but if you don't try then how are you gonna gain experience or be more comfortable, you gotta just throw that ass back sometimes"
"Haha I can't stand you sometimes Bri but I still don't want to seem too easy gotta make him work for it"
*cool I wouldn't mind just hanging out sometime:) * I honestly didn't know what to text, how do you say; hey I just wanna make out with you without sounding easy?
*yea just let me know when you can*
*I'm free whenever this week classes don't start for another three weeks*
*How about tomorrow? We can do dinner and maybe a movie*
*Sounds great Adym can't wait*
*See you tomorrow beautiful ❤️*
"Bri! I got a date tomorrow, but I don't know what to wear"
"You know what that means, shopping time we can go right now it's still pretty early" we headed to the mall and I honestly didn't even know what to look for. I'm not entirely that confident with my body, I mean all I wear is jeans and graphic t-shirts. 
"How about this?" Bri showed me a cute blush colored dress but it looked a little bit too tight and short.
"It's cute but I don't know if I could pull it off"
"Look you can wear this jean jacket over it and just throw on some vans if you want" I just shrugged
"At least try it on Susy" I hesitantly grabbed the clothes and went to go try them on, first thing I looked at was my stomach, I didn't look that bad but it still pocked out. I took a deep breath and went to go show Bri.
"Girl this looks so cute on you! Adym will totally like it, you might get some dick with that dress." I couldn't help but laugh I mean this was better than jeans and a t-shirt right.
The next day I was struggling on how to do my hair, leave it curly or straighten it, I ended up doing it straight since the day we met I was looking a hot mess I had to step up my game. I put some makeup on, not too much didn't wanna melt in this 90 degree weather. I put on my outfit and now I was just waiting for it to be seven. I was feeling so nervous what if he didn't like the way I looked, or what if I do something to mess up the whole night. My thoughts were disrupted by a text.
*hey I'm outside*
Ah fuck it's time to go, I'm so nervous that I feel like I need to shit now. I walk out of my dorm and find his car, he comes out of his car to greet me. Damn he looks fine as fuck, he looks at me and smiles, his smile just makes the butterflies in my stomach go more wild. Well let's see how our first date goes ...

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