Who will it be?

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I've been in bed all day just thinking, my thoughts are interrupted by Bri.

"So Susy what are we doing for your birthday, it is coming up"

"Nothing, I never celebrate it"

"What are you crazy? Not this year we are for sure celebrating, you're turning 21 it's time to celebrate!"

I rolled my eyes, birthdays in my household were never a big thing. Last birthday party I remember having was when I was 7. I've always wanted a surprise party though, always looked nice. Then again I don't have much friends to really even have a party.

"We can just go to dinner and a movie" I suggested but just by looking at Bri's face I can't tell she wasn't having it"

"You just worry about looking good and I'll worry about what we're gonna do okay?"

"Okay" I had a feeling if I disagreed she still wasn't gonna have it so what's the harm?

Days later

The day is finally here, I'm officially 21, I was still laying in bed when I seen Bri walk in with what looked like 50 balloons yelling "happy birthday bitch!"
I couldn't help but laugh I honestly appreciate everything she's doing, she hasn't told me what we're doing for my bday yet but I'm actually pretty excited.
"Get dressed we're gonna go get brunch then get ready for tonight"
I just smile and do as I'm told. We end up walking to some restaurant near our dorm as we sit I start to look at the menu, everything looks good. My appetite soon changes when I see someone very familiar. It's Frimzy and he's with another girl. My heart drops but I think to myself. Susy calm down it could be a friend, a cousin shit something l. Bri noticed my discomfort and ask what's wrong and I tell her.

"That fucken asshole I'm gonna go say something"

"No Bri! We gotta make sure it's not a friend first before we just talk shit"

We keep looking over and to my surprise I see him holding her hand which then followed with a kiss, and now I'm pissed. My hearts racing at this point, next thing you know I see Bri walking over to them. This isn't going to end well.

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