Worst Birthday

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"Are you fucking serious"
I'm in complete shock at the fact that Bri had the balls to even say anything to Frimzy. I felt like everything was moving in slow motion around me, I felt so hurt. That hurt soon  turned to anger when I seen Frimzy look at me and laugh. I wanted to go up to him and just punch him straight in his face, but I was stuck. But to my luck Bri seemed to not give two fucks and throws a drink at his face.
"Do yourself a favor hun and leave him before he breaks your heart to, cause he ain't shit" Bri tells the girl and walks away. The girl looked just as confused as me, she grabbed her purse and left.
"Hey are you okay"
"Bri why would you do that"
"What do you mean? I had to say something to that asshole"
"No Bri, you didn't have to say shit you just embarrassed me in front of the whole restaurant!"
Bri looked at me so confused, she didn't understand the fact that I didn't want her to go up to him, I just wanted to leave.
"Look Susy, I get that you're hurt right now but don't take your anger out on me"
My eyes started to water, I need to get the fuck out of this restaurant.
"I don't need this shit" I grabbed my purse and started to head out until I heard someone scream my name.
I look back to see it's Frimzy screaming my name, the tears started to rush down my face and all I wanted to do was run. I didn't want to hear anything he had to say, I didn't even want him near me.
"Susy come on and talk to me"
"There's nothing to talk about Frimzy, leave me alone"
I ran out before he had the chance to talk to me, I felt so betrayed. As I was walking back to my dorm all I could think about was how lonely I felt, all these thoughts were running through  my mind. Feeling like I'm never going to be happy, something always seems to get in the way, was it karma? Did my past life fuck someone over so bad that I'm paying for it now? As I was having a little pity party for myself I felt my phone vibrate. Ugh please don't let it be my parents was all I could think about.
Adym: Hey, I know we're not really talking right now, but happy birthday beautiful.

Oh fuck.

Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I updated this story but school really kicked my ass this semester😩. Hopefully I'll be able to do more chapters during Christmas break !

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