The nightmare part six

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Logan had fallen asleep on the sofa as the day had been extremely tedious, she had nothing to do as Sherlock did experiments in the kitchen something she surprisingly had no intrest in.She didnt even have any shopping to do as Mycroft had clothes dropped of at the flat for her even though she despised shopping it would of given her something to do but no though thankful for the clothes she wished he hadnt as it would of given her something to occupy herself with.She lay on the sofa in the silince and began to doze of and eventuly fell in to a slumber that soon was flooded by a terrifing nightmare.
Logan was tied down to a bed her vision fuzzy but eventuly came to her.The room was diffrent to the one she was knocked out in, this one was a dark green with a black celling lit by a single bar light illimunating the mould that was pressent in the corner near the metal door the only way in or out of the room.She tried to sit up but couldnt as she was handcuffed to a metal bed her feet tied to it with rope,she lay on a stained mattres in her underwear she shiverd the room frezing.She tried to sit up as the door opened but to no aviel she lay back down as a small man approached the bed and looked down at her.He had choclate brown eyes and hair his skin pale near translucent,he wore a dark grey westwood suit and white shirt his tie black with little skuls on it."Helloo Logan Holmes its a pleasure Jim Moriarty your husbands nemsis."His voice more high pitched than a normal mans but a strong irish accent,he smiled showing his imaculet teeth Logan just rolled her eyes."It truley isnt a plesure Mister Moriarty."Logan groweld at him even though her heart was in her throat."Oh no wonder he liked you.Now its in your best intrest to not do that again Kitten."Logan just smirked at him."Ive already been to hell and back hit me with your best shot prick."She spat at him wich made him smirk as he took out his handkerchief and wiped the sliva of his face."I warned you.Now stop me if they have tried this before." He jamp on top of her causing her to kick and scream as he trapped her between his legs he raised his hand and struck the left side of her face the sound echoing in the room."Stop screaming unless you want me to skinnn your presious Sherlock."She fell silent and began to whimper as he moved closer to her face and whisperd in her ear."I warned you,but i have to admit he has nice taste.Now dont start screaming again unless you want me to ruin his pretty face."Tears streamed down her face he was the only one to ever threaten Sherlock. He began to kiss and lick down the side of her face and down her neck she stayed still leaving him to do what he wished praying he wouldnt touch her precious Sherlock.
Sherlock ran threw to the livingroom to see Logan tossing and turning on the couch her eyes tightly closed she began to scream and shout he ran over to her and held her tight trying to stop her moving."NO PLEASE NO MORIARTY NO AAAHHH."She kept screaming until she stoped moving tears running down her face, her forehead dripping in sweat, she whisperd the words."please I love him." Sherlock froze the other words were slightly muffeld but those words were as clear as day.After that the roon fell silent Sherlock  quickly tried to gather himself so he could wake her up.He slaped the side of her face gently causing her to stir."Come on wake up now please come on."He kept slapping her face gently until her eyes slowly opened.After a couple of seconds of focusing she shot forward and wrapped her arms around Sherlock in a vice like grip he too wrapped his arms around her as she cried in his shoulder.
She had always had nightmares but this was the worst he had ever seen apart from one night but it still wasnt this bad which worried Sherlock immensely.
Sherlock was tossing and turning unable to sleep.He sighed and looked at the alarm clock which read twenty past two he sighed and turned back over to see a sleeping Logan.He watched her for awhile until she began to stir and tears fell down her face. He tried to wake her to no aviel she just began to kick and shout her arms tried to fight Sherlock of  as he tried to stop her moving she eventully stoped moving in Sherlocks arms and whimperd the words."Please Alfred no." The tears still streaming down her face her eyes shot open and she threw her arms around Sherlock and began to sob.Sherlock began to panic they had known each other for nearley a decade and he had never seen her cry until now.He held her tight unsure of what to do he just kept reapting the words."Its okay Im here."He was terrified for her she had always had nightmares but never like this,but little did he know the cause it all was very real indeed.

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