{.18.} Permisson

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"Are you ready to finally be an pre-adult?" My dad asked.

"Yup." I answer popping the 'p'. "Can I ask you guys something?"

"Sure honey, anything." My mom answered.

"Can I get a tattoo?" I asked. They both looked at each other than back at me. "It won't be inappropriate nor will it be huge. I just want a Lotus Flower on the inside of my right forearm and that's all for right now." I quickly add.

"I don't want to see another by the age 21, understand?" My dad spoke.

"Really?!" I squealed. "Thanks mom and dad." I thank them by kissing them on the cheek and running upstairs to call everyone.


Alright Shawn this it. I take a deep breathe and walk to the door ringing the doorbell. I wait for an answer.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Mrs. Davis ask and Mr. Davis is right behind her. I clear my throat before speaking.

"I'm Shawn Mendez, I came to ask your permission to take Zoe out tonight, sir."

"Mmm and does Zoe know you're here?" Mr. Davis asks.

"No sir." I answer.

"Well come in."


Me: Guys guess what?

G😁: Ur dad said yes

M😘: OMG what are you going to wear?

Jess💗: ^ Coming over now

Hevy💜: ^ Come get me

M😘: Me too^

Jess💗: Okay

Cam😜: Tell us how it goes!

Me: I'm confused

Me: I'm talking about my parents approving I can get a tattoo

Me: What are y'all talking about??

Johnson🐥: Nothing

Aaron😋: Did Zoe's dad say yes to him taking her out tonight?

Carter🐹: Wth Aaron

Me: Wth are you talking about A

Aaron😋: Don't know, gotta blast byyyeee

I look at my phone confused. What the hell are they not telling me? It's probably nothing. I'm in the mood to watch Netflix, now where is that damn remote. Oh that's right, Andrea uses my remote because hers broke when she used to live here.

I get up to walk to Andreas room, which is closer to the steps. As I get closer to her room, I here laughter coming from downstairs. It's not just my mom and dad because it's there's a third male laugh that I recognize.

I tip toe downstairs to investigate. I stop on the fifth step so I could see them but they couldn't see me. Shawn? What's he doing here?

"I like you. You remind me of my almost to be son in law, Daniel. Except his first first impression didn't go so well since before he actually came to talk to me, I had caught him sleeping in Andreas bed. Even though they were fully clothed, I still didn't like it at all." My dad explains to Shawn.

"Thank you sir, I appreciate it." Shawn says smiling.

"Please, call me Jake."

"Yes, Si- I mean Jake." Shawn corrects himself.

"I'll go get Zoe." My mom says about to get up. I rush upstairs and get on my phone acting like I'm doing something.


"No Mrs. Davis, I'll go get her." I offer.

"Please call me Ann, short for Annazellia. Weird name I know." She chuckles.

"I don't think it's weird, I think it's unique." I say with a smile. "I'll go get Zoe." I walk upstairs to Zoe's room. I knock on the door and wait for an answer.

"Come in!" Zoe shouts from the other side. I walk in and close the door behind me. She's sitting on her bed with her legs crossed, her back to the headboard, while looking on her phone. She looks up with a confused expression on her face. "Shawn? What are you doing here?"

"Hi, nice to see you too beautiful." I chuckle walking over sitting down on the side edge of the bed close to her. "I came to ask your parents permission to take you out to dinner tonight."

"Really? What'd my dad say?" She asks.

"You should know. I saw you on the steps."

"Well I guess I won't be becoming a spy."

"Will you go out to dinner with me tonight?" I asks look into her eyes.

"I would love too." She says smiling so bright and beautiful like always.


Right after Shawn backed out the driveway, Jess car pulled up with her, Heaven, and Mahogany. Thank god their here.

"Alright, I'll pick out the outfit, Heaven start on her hair, and M will do your make up. Come on people we have a date to get ready for." Jess yells.

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