Lethal Secrets Chapter 2

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i dont own any rights to the Alex Rider stories or this story, it belongs to TheUlmuri

Part II: Aftermath

Alex leapt off the stage and ran swiftly towards Tyler's prone form in the silence that permeated the air in the aftermath of the fight, Three's threat already pushed to the back of his mind. He pulled out his cell phone as he ran and hit the hot key that provided him with a direct link to MI6 and was immediately patched through to the crack team, which was about five minutes out. Just too late to really be helpful, Alex thought with a thick edge of anger.

The rest of the people in the auditorium were just beginning to catch up with what was going on. Slowly, the room came to life. The screaming and crying became louder and the mass hysteria and panic grew. Most of the teachers were still in too much shock to be of any help.

Alex reached Tyler and immediately began working to save his life. He had already wasted precious time eliminating all of the Scorpia operatives before he attended to his injured classmate. He wasn't willing to let Tyler die from the dangers that his presence had brought upon the school, regardless of the teen's own fault in his critical condition. Eventually the school nurse came over to offer her assistance but Alex other ideas. "Find the others with more minor injuries or who are going into shock," he ordered. "Help them. Notify me of any more serious injuries and I'll get to them when I've stabilized Tyler."

"But Alex-"

Alex was quick to cut her off. "I'm a SAS trained field medic. I'm trained to treat these kinds of injuries. We can make the most of our combined medical knowledge if you take on the other cases that are less life threatening." he stated rather sharply, and the nurse decided against arguing any further. Most of the people in the auditorium had heard his outburst and immediately quieted down. They were all scared and Alex seemed to be exuding the greatest amount of authority, so they followed him even if he was one of the things that they were most afraid of.

Nearly all of the people in the room were shooting him frequent, wary glances. His violent display of martial prowess had been frightening to say the least. Alex ignored the people around him as he got on his knees and began to work feverishly over Tyler's barely conscious form. He had put his phone on speaker so he could work on Tyler and speak to his team at the same time. Soon, a familiar voice came over the line.

"Cub, ETA three minutes. Status report," growled Wolf, the leader of K-Unit.

Alex rattled off the facts as quickly as possible as he removed his shirt and began ripping it into strips. "Threat neutralized. One in critical condition- gunshot to the arm, multiple broken ribs, possible internal bleeding and head trauma," he listed as he tied one of the strips tightly on Tyler's arm just above where the bullet had pierced it to create a tourniquet. "Likely more injured. Civilian casualties unknown. Personal status...well, I've been a lot worse. Stab wound to the shoulder, close call on the throat, several deflected shots and a couple of grazes. I'm sore and tired; taking out 22 assassins will do that though. Is it just K?" he asked.

"No, D-Unit's here too."

Alex nodded to himself before he answered. "Well hurry up, Snake and Tiger have their work cut out for them. I hope you have a couple of ambulances."

"That's why it took us so long."

"Great," Alex muttered before reigned in his anger and continued with his report. "Enemy has unknown number of casualties, though I'm guessing quite high. Anyone who's not dead is knocked out cold..." Alex's voice trailed off, his thoughts were becoming slightly fuzzy and his movements heavy. He shook his head trying to clear it but he knew almost immediately that something was wrong. He caught sight of the hilt of Three's knife protruding from the man's motionless body as his head turned and the answer immediately struck him. Three's knife had been poisoned and it was only the adrenalin that was slowly draining out of his system that had kept the toxin from taking immediate effect. Now the Asian man's relatively easy defeat made more sense.

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