Lethal Secret Chapter 5

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i dont any rights to the alex rider bookds, or this story, it belongs to TheUlmuri

Part V: Operation Stage I: Infiltrate

The spec-ops team made the final preparations for their jump in the dimly lit cargo bay of the stealth modified C-130; the red lights mounted above the cockpit door in the bay providing their only source of illumination. They were no more than dark shadows in their black stealth gear as they moved around the space, double-checking that chutes were properly packed and that weapons and equipment were secured. The only noise was the rumbling of the plane's giant engines as they traveled through the cool night air.

Alex had once again reeled in his emotions and pushed all attachments to Sabina out of his mind, though he did not miss the worried glances from his unit, Ben, Tamara, and Edward: the people who knew him best. They seemed relieved to see him return to the cool emotionless agent they all knew so well.

The cockpit door opened and the co-pilot stuck his head through the opening. "10 Mikes to Lima-Zulu(1)," he yelled over the thunder of the engines and the tension in the cargo bay noticeably strengthened. The team took their places on the benches lining the bay after a final equipment check. They slipped on their ATN PS15-4 night vision goggles as Alex began barking out last minute orders.

"K-unit, you'll drop first, the rest will go two at a time and I'll take the rear. Lima-Zulu is about four kliks west of Romeo-Victor, which is an abandoned warehouse on the edge of the city. Make your way straight to it. Don't wait up. We'll regroup and make plans to get to the safe house from there." The team nodded in agreement as the cargo bay's doors began to open and the co-pilot once again shouted over the din.

"Two Mikes to Lima-Zulu." K-unit shuffled towards the opening doors, waiting for the signal and Alex took the chance to make one of his trademark smart-ass remarks.

"Wolf," he called, causing the SAS soldier to break out of his preoccupation with the plane's altitude.


"I better not have to kick your ass out of the plane this time," he said with a smirk. Wolf leveled a menacing glare towards Alex and flipped the young spy off. Alex merely raised his eyebrows, unaffected by the SAS soldier's harsh gaze or rude hand gestures. Just then the alarm buzzed and the bay lights turned green and K-Unit disappeared into the night sky. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Alex urged the others on as they dropped out of the plane in pairs. Soon he was the only one left in the plane and he glanced back towards the cockpit one last time, nodding to the co-pilot in thanks.

"Good luck, soldier," the man shouted over the noise, and Alex gave him a quick thumbs up before he threw himself into the night.

Alex's face smarted as the cold air rushed past him and he felt through the darkness. He spent about two minutes in free fall before he pulled the cord and the silken black chute deployed out of his pack. There was a sharp jerk as the air catching beneath the canopy slowed his movement considerably and he continued to fall at a more leisurely pace. Alex tugged the guidelines, carefully maneuvering to land in a shallow valley between to hills before he hit the ground heavily at a run. The shallow valley he had chosen offered the greatest amount of coverage in the nearly deserted fields that surrounded the city. Through the lenses of his goggles, the scene was bathed in an ghostly green.

Alex quickly unbuckled himself from the chute and hastily folded and stored it before unclipping a Boeing CSEL hand held field radio from his belt and hailing his team mates over a predetermined frequency. Although he could spot a few of the members of the his team that had landed relatively close to himself, the long grass and the lay of the land prevented him from confirming that each member had landed safely and discretely. "This is Alpha-Gold," he identified, using the approved radio call signs, "All operatives report in." A moment of silence passed before each agent reported his or her status in respective order.

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