Don't kill the magic.-2

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                                                     You know I said I'm trying fix this baby
                                                     Let me be in my heart God's pleasure
                                                     I will do, I will do anything instead

                                                     Just don't kill, don't kill the magic 
                                                     I'm not ready to give up just yet
                                                    We could stay until we both forget ........

*Harry's point of view*

I felt sorry for the girl, I didn't mean to wake her up, still.........

I had a good look at her, her eyes are ocean gray color, she has straight black hair and the best part is she didn't recognize me, I guess she is not a one direction fan or she is way too sleepy.

this was the part I way worried about, sitting with a fan, I love my fans but I really needed a relaxing flight, when someone looks at you continuously for hours it really gets uncomfortable.

as she is not gonna disturb me I think it's a good idea to take a nap.

*Laila's point of view*

Damm... I know it's not polite but the guy... I mean harry is really something, I never thought that I would use the word beautiful for a male. he definitely caught me looking at him.

to distract myself I  opened my laptop, my cousin, ellen wanna skype me well a good time pass she is. I plugged in my earphone and called her.

" hey, ellen".

"hi, Laila, is flight good ?"

"its fine"

"what about you?"

"nothing completing my maths homework, so do you have a nice co-passenger? or is it a smelly old lady?".

Ellen was really nice but you know she always has a way to much interest in my love life which was a bit irritating, she never liked Mack and wanted to find a new boyfriend for me. 

"would you stop it ellen "

"oh... common at least, move the screen, so I can see. please "

I looked over harry he was quite asleep, so it won't hurt if my sister saw him, I cleverly moved my screen to face him.

"OH MY GOD.........", she screamed so loud that I dropped my laptop and screamed.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!" Harry screamed too, he looked like he has seen a ghost.

The air hostess came running towards us and an old Chinese man in front of us gave a dirty look.

" Sir are you alright"

"yes, can I get some water, " Harry asked the air hostage.

" are you alright ? " he asked me. 

"I am alright"

"were you taking revenge from me ?" he asked me with a grin plastered on his face .

"what?.... NO, my cousin screamed and oh MY COUSIN!!!!! " I remembered and pick up my laptop, Ellen was literally red.

"what the hell was that ellen? " I demanded to know an answer.

" you are sitting near, Harry styles "

" Harry who ?"

"OMG you need to come out of your book world, harry styles is the sexiest and ........" before she could complete I closed my laptop. I was already quite embarrassed. 

"Okay, so now I finally recognized you from a poster in my lil sister's bedroom. are you from some kind of boy band?"

"yeah, well see if you can guess the name of my band "

" Ummm....... something like the wrong direction ?"

He laughed so hard that the Chinese man shot us another look

" OMG, you were literally living in the woods, its One direction"

" I apologize these 4 years of my life have been so busy, if there was an alien invasion I wouldn't know "

"you are quite funny"

" and you are gorgeous ...... Wait , what ", Harry heard what I accidently said and he changed the topic.

" so what do you do?"

" I am a mystery writer, I have released 6 books"

" your books name are......... "

"My latest book is 'The cabin'"

"woah... wait a minute, you are Laila Dove, the writer, Gemma  never stop talking about your books  and you, well it gets really annoying sometime "

" really, Gemma ......?"

"oh.... Gemma is my sister"

" and my sister never stop talking your band, so we are on the same line"

"yeah, hey I was thinking as your sister is my fan and mine is yours so why don't we exchange autographs "

" that's a good idea, I have my book with me I'll sign on that and give you the book"

" thanks, I can sign on the tissue I guess cause I don't have my album," he said shyly that made me smile . as soon as we exchanged autograph our dinner arrived.

"what would you like sir, veg/chicken/fish ?" air hostage asked him with such a smile that I thought it is going to fall off her face . Harry asked for chicken.

"mam?" , she turned to me.

" I would like veg, please "

" you are vegetarian ?", harry asked me.

and with that our conversation begins, we talked about our families, carriers friends etc.


*on airport*

"I hope I see you again, hand ." harry said to me and extended hand.

"me too," I said and we bid farewell to each other. 

He dissappered in the crowd of screaming fans and I looked over to find my name on board, I saw a lady holding it with a bouquet of flowers.

" Hey I am Laila Dove "

" welcome to new york Miss Dove, " she said with a smile. 

we moved in a car and headed towards my hotel.

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