chapter 2

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‘Hi guys this is Chloe, she’s your biggest fan here in Montreal’ The animator says to the boys

‘Hi charming Chloe, nice to meet you!’ Lou starts

‘Hi sweetie, Nice to meet you!’ Niall says


‘Hi Chloe, how are you?’ Liam says

Harry hasn’t spoken yet, I was still in shock. I’m seeing them for real! Not even a dream, I’ve dream about this millions on time, and now this is happening!

‘Hi beautiful, nice to meet you! How are you? Not to shock?’ Harry finally says

I was speechless, how can Harry ’Hot guy ’Styles can call me beautiful? I have now enough self-esteem for the rest of my life

‘h-h-hi g-gu-guys, H-How A-are you?’ I finally says

‘we’re great! Cause we’re THE best fan in the whole world, we’re with Yan!’ Lou says

‘hahaha, he’s joking! The best fan isn’t Yan, It you!’ Niall adds

Zayn was laughing ‘ you should have seen your face! It was priceless! Your face was saying’’ Is he kidding me! I am the best fan!’’ It was so funny’

After a while I was comfortable with them, they are so warmly. It’s like we always knew each others, like we were best friend since our childhood.

‘see ya tonight, I got backstage place with my friend!’

‘Really?! That’s so great! We got a chance to see you again’ Lou answers me


‘Bye’ they all say, except for Harry he is gone to the toilet

‘Ah say bye to Harry from me!’

‘Yes, I will’ Liam says


She’s already gone?’ I ask

‘Yeah! She says bye to you’ Liam answers me

‘But I didn’t even have her cell number! I wanted to call her, I think she’s really my type... miss my chance’

‘ you never know, maybe you’ll see her again’ Lou try to reassure me, It don’t work

‘Yeah of course! It’s sure I’ll see her again, we come to Montreal so often’ I say sarcastically

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2012 ⏰

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