red-sea gray-storm

33 4 9

Ross tapped his foot impatiently 'mabye we should get the elevator's  motor to go faster...' he thought.
Eventually he made it to the top floor; his office.

"TAMARA!" ross yelled as he kicked in his office door and starlting his assistant in the process.
"Holy jumpung jesus on a breadstick?! Oh its just you...hello leader.."

"Tam we have an issue-"
" ill say , you just ruined the last wooden door we have in stock.."tam said sarcastically. Ross looked back at the door " oh uh...i meant to do that sliding metal doors are more convenient! " he  walked up to her and placed a rolled up poster on her desk "take a look at this".

Tamara  stood up and unrolled the paper " a hire sheet for the red army?" she glared at ross, who was now biting his nails .
((its a stress thing))
" whats so bad about this? I mean we could just destroy it . its not that bad"
"Tamara you dont understand  that came from one of the citys close to us! dalamburge!red soldiers and supporters are in our neighbor trade and transport citys".
Tamara rolled the paper up again and placed it in the trashbin next to her desk" oh shit, hmm..mabey if you order more reinforcements around
Ross stopped biting his nails and tamara handed him a folder" agent kipp called earlier "
"Yeah i know, did it go to collect call? Because i got the message via yelling soldier"
He chuckled and looked threw the papers.

"I dont know i canr use have of this old timey shit you insist on useing"she put her hands on her hips for extra  sass. " its not old timey its called having class tam , mabey you should  try it sometime" he snickered as she gives a look of fake shock" im triggered "
"Pppphhhhhffff hahaha!!" they both laughed.

"Anyway agent kipper left a message . looks like the reddiamond and his homeworld gems are looking for new hire plus red leader is going to start looking in places for Russia. most likely  to make a pact or some useless  companion shit" he sat on the edge of her desk tryingto read a document.

" oh joy " she rolled her eyes " as if the undead weren't enuff now were gonna have twice as many redtails, Jerry's, and seals out there trying to take us out. hidden for seven years but the leaf village storm has now been discovered! " *jazz hands*.

"And new hire? New blood...i....hmm..."
Ross looked up from whwt he was reading" what ?"

" remember  that crisscross guy from a couple of months ago? Fuck what was his name....tuuve? Nuume? Yuumee? I cant remember. ." the scratched the top of her head with her pencil." yeah i know who your talking about blonde hair , blue eyes, multiple personality disorder why are you thinking of him?"He put the folder down and looked at his nails.

" well if you can remember when we found him, he was broken twitching  and stuttering  incoherently.and oh boy he was violent!  It took a bit of therapy and drugs before we could make him a soldier"
She slumped back in her chair.

" i have to wonder if they need new blood because of would be ashame he's s really sweet when he trys to be" tam sighedand blushed a bit.
" actually i hear that reds base army is falling apart, just the one he's in currently anyway" 

Suddenly  rosses  radio walky- talky cut their  conversation
" storm leader, come in storm leader are you there? "
Ross quickly took the radio off his belt " this is sl whats wronge?"
" sir we are in the marine district , we have picked up three unidentified  large  masses entering the bay just shy of the Verkhoyansk mountain base"

Ross groaned " these better not be fucking whales again . i swear to the non existing god !if they are fucking whales i will burn your corpse!!!"

"Um sir these  dont move like living  creatures and its apparent  they are using  sonar"
Ross and tam gave eachother a ' oh shit' look and dashes out of the room, down a hallway

//le timeskip to the docks\\

The entrance to the ship opened up tam amd Ross where there out of breath because running from the tallest point in the base to the docks unstead of using the elevators  is a good idea for some reason.

All the soldiers and sailors instaly  stopped what they were doing and saluted their leader. " calm yourselves  dont get your panties in a twist " ross leaned agaisnt a wall breathing hard .

" anyways me the unidentified  objects ..."
" this way sir" the captaim on deck lead ross away leaving Tamara outside waiting.
Tamara got lost in thought while waiting It was admitting  a nice day even though  it was below freezing it was still sunny and not a cloud in the sky, snow carefully  covered the ground and ice was freezing  over the little pools of water that the current made.

Just a nice day- to go into battle...

She snapped out of her daze and nodded.pushing a button sirens went off  and sailors came out all at stations and prepairing for marine warfare.

" c'mon tam i need you to go and tell roll-g about this"
"Yes sir" she saluted and ran off.

//eyyyyy i did something!!! And for once im not hungover before writing this!

If you didnt know tam kinda likes yuu and you will get a battle sene in the  next chapter i just gotta write it on paper first.

I call tord and his alllies the  homeworld gems bc they are the colors of them red- pink snow- white navy- blue yellow- yellow//

the storm of red ,and crimson... (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now