Laphing Gas

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I found this prompt on google and thought it was a good idea.
"Nico come on you need to go to the dentist" Percy said grabbing the demigod by the back of his jacket collar.
"Percy let go why do I need to go to the dentist anyway" Nico yelled struggling agents the son of Poseidon as Percy dragged him towards Thalia's tree.
"Because my mom wants to take care of the seven you and Will to the best of her ability and unfortunately that include dentist appointments. Everyone else has gone now its your turn, you can't put it off anymore" Percy explained setting Nico in the backseat of Sally's car and sliding in next to him.


"Um Sally I-I can't do this" Nico whispered looking over at the smiling women by the door that just called his name. He had been gripping the arm of the chair he was sitting in since they arrived at the office.
"Oh honey it won't be that bad" Sally said trying to calm the demigod down.
"Yeah Nico I'll go back there with you if you want" Percy said giving him a reassuring smile.
"Sure, yeah okay lets do this" Nico said.


I stood up and walked over to the lady by the door.
"Hello Mr. De Angelo right this way" the nurse said leading them to a room with an uncomfortable looking chair.
"Please sit down and we can start" she said putting on a pair of blue gloves. I sat down and she started brushing my teeth with this nasty toothpaste she called vitamins. Then she rinsed and flossed my teeth.
"The doctor should be in shortly to examine your teeth" the nurse said walking out of the room. true to her word 5 minuets later a tall man in a white doctors coat came in.
"Hello Mr. De Angelo I'm Dr. Wallace" he said shaking my hand. He then proceeded to poke around at my teeth with these metal tools. After he was done he led me and Percy back to the front where Sally was waiting.
"Well Mrs. Jackson it looks like Mr. De Angelo has quite a few cavities we need to get them filled as soon as possible to prevent any further damage" Dr. Wallace informed us.
"How soon can we get him in" Sally asked.
"Actually we can have them filled right now" he replied.
"Okay that sound great" Sally said.
"W-wait hold up I thought we were just coming for a check up" I said cursing my stutter.
"Neeks I know your scared but you wont feel a thing they have this gas that makes you all numb and relaxed" Percy said.
"Don't call me neeks" I grumbled.
"Yes Mr. De Angelo there is nothing to be afraid of" Dr. Wallace said reassuringly.
"Fine" I sighed following the doctor back through the halls.



"Okay Mr. Jackson you friend will be a bit loopy so be careful" the doctor said.
"Yes sir" I then walked twords the office exit.
"PERCCCCCCCCCYYYYYY!" I heard Nico yell from his place by the door.
"Hehe yes Nico?" I chuckled walking towards him and mom.
"I want a hug" he said climbing onto my back.
"This is a strange hug" I laughed shifting the 15 year old on my back so I was holding him up by his thighs.
"I no care walk" he said laying his head on top of mine. I rolled my eyes and mom and I walked out of the building Nico still on my back.
"Hey Percy" Nico asked.
"Yeah what's up" I replied.
"I liked you for a long time a while back but I'm over it now" he mumbled.
"Wait y-you like me" I stuttered.
"Liked as I said I'm over it plus you're not my type" he giggled.



I woke up in my cabin to the couch horn signaling dinner. 'huh guess I fell asleep after the dentist' I thought standing and going to the mess hall.
"Hey Nico" Percy yelled towards me when I walked into the mess hall. He stood up from his table and ran over to me.
"What's up with you seaweed brain" i asked going to sit down at my table.
"I wanted to ask you about something you said while you were high off of laughing gas" he replied. 'Oh gods I hope I didn't say something that I'm going to regret' I thought sitting down. Percy sat down across from me.
"Um what exactly did I say" I asked nervously.
"Oh nothing just that you used to like me" he said smirking.
"W-what n-no I-I" I stuttered.
"And then you turned around and said I wasn't your type" Percy said frowning. I sighed in relief thank the gods.
"Well then I told the truth I did like you when I was younger but I've realized that you not my type" I say eating my fruit salad that the nymphs brought me.
"How can I not be your type" He exclaimed a little too loud.
"Will you be quite you idiot" I hissed looking around a few people were staring but luckily it hadn't caught any of the Aphrodite kids attention.
"Okay fine if I'm not you type then who is" Percy pouted.
"I cant believe I'm about to tell you this" I mumbled. I pictured Will Solace son of Apollo "I like guys with blond hair and sky blue eyes" I said. I stood up and walked away.


I sat there thinking about what Nico said trying to figure out who he likes. There are a lot of guys at camp who are blond with blue eyes. I mean that's pretty much the entire Apollo cabin but he couldn't like one of them. Wait dose he like Jason. I stood up and ran out of the dinning hall after Nico.

-A. L. Parker

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