You're A Superhero!!! (Jasper)

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This is an au where Jason is super boy and Piper is a normal teenage girl.

Jason POV

I fell onto the roof of the apartment building with a loud thud.
"Jason come on you can do better then that" Clark laughed landing on the roof.
"Your two times my size Clark that's about the best I can do against you" I grumbled wiping off my pants.
Clark and I were doing some late night training and he was as usual kicking my ass.
"You should probably stop throwing me on the building if we wake up Louse she's gonna kill us" I said.
"Why do you say that" Clark asked.
I showed him my watch "because it's 11:30pm" I replied.
"Oh god she's gonna kill me. You have school tomorrow" Clark groaned.
"Crap I forgot about school I have a huge history test in 1st hour" I grabbed my jacket and swung into our apartment as quite as possible. Clark climbed in after me. We lived on the top floor of our building which is why we trained on the roof.
"Okay be vary quite we don't want to wake up the beast" I joked heading towards the hall as quietly as possible. Clark chuckled and followed. We were almost to the hall entry when the living room light flicked on.
"Oh I'm a beast am I" louse said standing from the recliner.
"Oh crap you herd that" I laughed nervousness clear in my voice.
"Yes I did. now what have I told you boys about training this late at night and Clark I thought you would be more responsible. I've gotten 2 phone calls from neighbors asking if I knew what was happening on the roof!"
"Sorry Louse" Clark and I said in unison. She sighed shaking her head.
"You go to bed you have school tomorrow" she said pointing at me then pointing down the hall. "And you I'll deal with you tomorrow' she said pointing to Clark.
Poor guy he has to sleep in the same room with an angry Louse. I made my way quickly down the hall to my bedroom. I entered my room and set down my stuff.
Falling on my bed I pulled out my phone to set an alarm. I opened the screen and noticed a text from my girlfriend Piper.

Pipes💖: hey Jay just wanted to say gn and good luck on your test tomorrow.💋 (11:00pm)

You: thx pipes😘 wanna meet up at Leo's before school. (11:40pm)

Pipes💖: I didn't expect you to be awake but yeah that sounds good maybe we can actually get him to school on time 😂. (11:45pm)

You: 😂 yeah right this is leo we're talking about😂. (11:46pm)

You: I was talking with Clark and lost track of time. it's the really the only reason I'm still up. (11:46pm)

Pipes💖: sounds like something you'd do😏 but you need to go to sleep that test is worth half your grade.(11:48pm)

You: yeah ik luv you💖. (11:49pm)

Pipes: luv you too😘💖. (11:49pm)

I wish I could tell Piper and Leo about me being Superboy they're my best friends but Clark says it could put them in danger and that's the last thing I want to do.
I laid in bed looking at the ceiling for what felt like hours and before I realized it I was wakeing up too Louse yelling in my ear.
"What the heck" I yawned.
"You need to get up now if you want me to take you to school" she said walking out of my room. I looked at the clock on my wall and saw it was 6:00 in the morning. I rolled out of bed and got ready for school.
"Jason are you ready" Clark called down the hall.
"Yeah I'm coming" I yelled back grabbing my bag and walking to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple.
"Come on Jason" Louse said walking twords the front door. I walked out the door with her and into the elevator.
"Hey can you drop me off at Leo's me and Piper are gonna try and get him to school on time today" I asked as the elevator door opened on the bottom floor.
"Sure but if doesn't wake up you better get to school on time. You don't need another tardy" she said. We got to the car and stared driving twords Leo's apartment.
When we got there Louse dropped me off and I went inside. Piper was already waiting for me in the lobby.
"Hey Pipes" I greeted.
"Hey Jay ready to drag leo to school" she asked hugging me.
"Yup" I reapplied starting up the stairs. Leo lived on the 2nd floor so it was kind of useless to use the elevator. We knocked on his door and his dad answered.
"Jason, Piper it's good to see you. Are you here to get leo" he laughed letting us in.
"Yeah he has an important history test today" Piper replied.
"What history text I didn't know about an important test today" Leo's mom snapped looking at her calendar.
"I guess he didn't say anything I'll lecture him for you on the way to school" I chuckled going to Leo's room. I walked in the room Leo was still passed out. I looked at my watch it read 6:45. Nice we have 15 minutes to get him awake and ready that should be enough hopefully.
"Leo wake up man" I said shaking him.
"You know that's not gonna work Jason" Piper giggled walking in the room.
"Yeah but I hoped for once it would" I replied taking off my shoes. If I stepped on the bed with them on Mrs.Valdez would have my head. I got up on Leo's bed with a now barefoot Piper and we stared jumping and screaming at the top of our lungs.
"Come on Valdez get your butt up" I shouted kicking Leo in the butt.
"Ugh come on guys why do you gotta do this to me" Leo groaned.
"Cuz it's the only way to get you up" Piper said jumping off the bad and putting her shoes back on. While I catinued jumping.
"Okay dude I'm up stop it" leo said kicking my legs. I laughed and stepped of the bed putting my shoes back.
"Okay get out unless you wanna see me naked" Leo teases standing up.
"I'm out" Piper yelped running out of the room.
"You weird dude" I commented walking out of the room and into the kitchen. 10 minutes later Leo walked in.
"Okay good we gotta go it's 7:05 we've got 2 minutes to get to the bus stop" Piper said standing up. The bus ride to school was uneventful.
"Good luck on your test guys" Piper said walking off with her friends.
"Oh shoot we have that test today I totally forgot" Leo wined. I just laughed at him and started walking to class.
-------------time skip after school------------
"Hey so what did the meatball say when his friend said he wanted to fight him" Leo asked as we walked home.
"I don't know what" I asked.
"Hey I don't got no beef I'm made of pork" leo laughed.
"Oh my god Leo your jokes are so bad" Piper giggled.
"Hey my jokes might be bad but they made you laugh." He replied with a smug look on his face.
"Yeah whatever" she said shaking her head.
All of sudden there was a loud crash and an explosion from the bank across the street. From the hole the explosion created stepped doomsday. Piper screamed witch unfortunately cought doomsdays attention.
"Oh what do we have here" his gruff voice stated looking us over. Somehow we managed to be the only people on this street at the moment. He took a step twords us and I took a step back pushed Piper back with me. He continued to walk twords us.
"Hey just leave us be we'll leave like we never even saw you just don't hurt us." I pleaded with the villain. As Superboy I would have never done this but I had to act like a normal civilian.
"Now why would I want that" he chuckled evilly as he reached us. Within a second he grabbed Piper and lifted her off the ground.
"Hey leave her alone" I yelled. Then leo sprung into action like a tornado. He grabbed a pipe from the ground and started to hit doomsday with it I followed his lead with a bord.
We barely made a scratch but doomsday dropped Piper and turned in leo. Before I could react he sent leo flying against the wall of a building. Doomsday saled toward Leo with a raised fist.
Everything went in slow motion as me vision went red. A laser beam hit doomsdays arm. He looked over twords us shocked. I took of my broken glasses and too a step twords him.
"Leave my friend alone" I growled levitating myself off the ground.
"Superboy" he laughed. "Now this is getting interesting"
Out of nowhere another laser beam shot at Doomsday. Super man came flying in and brought doomsday to the ground.
"Jason get them out of here now" Clark yelled fighting doomsday. I grabbed Piper's hand and ran to leo. The both looked shocked.
"You y-your" Leo stammered as I pulled off the ground.
"I'll explain later but come on" I shouted over the noise of fighting. I dragged them with me heading twords my apartment. When we got there we stumbled in breathing hard.
"Oh my God Jason what happened" Louse asked rushing over.
"We were walking home when doomsday attacked us." I explained sitting down. She looked over at Leo and Piper who were staring at me blankly.
"I'll give you guys some time" she said walking out of the room. We sat there in silence for what felt like forever before Piper broke it.
"Jason are you really Superboy?" she questioned sitting down next to me. Leo folled sitting on my other side. I sighed looked at both of them before answering.
"Yeah I am" I answered looking down.
"Dude that's so freaking cool" Leo exclaimed jumping up.
"Why didn't you ever tell us" Piper asked.
"It would have put you guys in danger" I answered as Leo continued to fangirl.
"Dude you have got to tell us all about it" he shouted sitting crisscross in front of me.
"Yeah" Piper agreed following Leo's lead. They looked up at me expectedly like children so I stared to explain everything.
And that's how my best friend and girlfriend found out I was a superhero.
-A. L. Parker

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