Piper X Annabeth

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Bello I just wanted to say I am so thankful for eccyuk beacause they keep giving awesome idia's.
Pipers POV

    "Come on dad please hurry up" I begged trying get my father to finish his phone call. Today was the 1st day of summer and I was eager to get to Camp Half Blood as soon as possible. I was so excited to see my girlfriend, Annabeth.
    After me a Jason broke up I got kinda lonely. We ended on good terms and he's still a very good friend of mine but at the time I felt like I was missing something. Terns out that something had been Annabeth. She and Percy had ended a few months before me and Jason.
    There was a lot more drama between the two of them then with my breakup but they're all good now. Needless to say after I realized I had fallen head over heals with my blond beauty it didn't take long for me to tell her and the rest is history.
    "DAD!" I shouted desperately.
    "I'm coming, I'm coming calm down" he laughed "You don't have to get crabby Annabeth is still gonna be at camp even if we wait 10 more minutes"
    "That's not a guarantee" I replied thinking back to the many quest Annabeth has told me about.
    "Don't worry I'm ready to go" he shook his head and followed me out the front door.

    It took forever but we finally made it to camp and I was bouncing in my seat.
    "Okay before you leave I just want you to know I love you and you had better be alive when I come to get at the end of the summer" Dad joked unlocking the car.
    "I love you too dad and I'll try my best" I giggled kissing him on the cheek "bye Dad"
    I get out the car and grabbed my suitcase out of the trunk. I'm half way up the hill when I hear someone call my name.
    "Piper!" It was Annabeth. Before I could process what was happening she tackled me to the ground.
    "I missed you so much" she cried burying her face into my neck.
   "I missed you too" I whispered hugging her back "I love you but I can't breath"
    "Sorry" she scrabbled off of me and helped me up. "Come on dinner is about to start" she said grabbing my hand. She turned to walk up the hill but I pulled her into me.
    "What's this about" she asked. I quickly kissed her and then let her go.
    "Nothing much" I replied picking up my bag and walking up the hill.
    "Piper!" She shouted running up behind me and rapping her arms around my shoulders.
    "Yes my love" I asked.
    "Nothing just wanted to hug you" she answered letting go. I laughed and grabbed her hand. We made it the tope of the hill just as the sun began to set. I stoped to admire the place I considered a 2nd home.
    "Welcome back" Annabeth beamed kissing my cheek. I giggled and we made our way to the mess hall ready for a great summer.
Sorry this one is a lot shorter then my last one there is a million and a half people running around my house because of the holidays I'll try and make some longer ones after new years.

-A. L. Parker

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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