Coffee shop

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Seconds later we arrived outside a beautiful cafe with flowers In  hanging baskets perfectly placed above the sign that was painted olive green and grey that read 큰맘할매순대국.
It was yoongi's mum's cafe. My eyes widened and my heart began racing , just like it had when I first met them on the courts half an hour earlier.
We entered the cafe and were greeted by Yoongi's beautiful mum , her smile was so welcoming and when she saw her son she gasped.
"Yoongi , is this your girlfriend?" She held my elbows and turned her head to her son who's face  was bright red.
" mum " he stuttered in embarrassment
We all paused at the awkwardness until someone broke the silence, a cute voice of a boy about the same height as me.
Jimin was even more handsome in real life. His hair fell perfectly over his face , his eyes sparked and his chipped tooth looked so adorable. I found myself taken back from his looks. He was actually standing in front of me.
He motioned us to come and sit at the table with him and 4 other guys and as we walked I felt like all their eyes were on me. 14 eyes , my cheeks turned red.
I sat in between Taehyung and Yoongi , opposite Jungkook and Seokjin  and noticed that Jungkook was acting quiet and looked sad  whilst all the others were talking to each other, so I nudged his leg causing his to slowly lift his head from eating.
" are you okay ?" I asked with a worried tone
"He's fine , he's just nervous around girls , he can't even be around Hobi's sister " the guys chuckled
"Oh...... well you don't have to be nervous around me I won't bite" I whisper across the table to him causing him to smile whilst eating
I heard a whisper back and shot him a wink from across the table without thinking. After I had done it I realised what i did.
*oh no , did I really just do that * I mentally face palm myself , take a sip of my delicious tea to cover the redness that flushed over my face and check my phone for the time.
It was 9 o'clock , I looked outside and saw the sky sparkling above the buildings.
"I should get going it's dark out " I stood up and before I knew it  I felt an arm tugging me back down. It was Taehyung
"Please stay y/n your really fun" he pleaded whilst pulling his cute puppy face.
How could I refuse him with a face like that.
" we'll drop you off later" Namjoon said sweetly
In the end, I agreed to stay , but forgot all about my family calling me earlier.

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