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Ski Lodge


"So Lily. Your going to be spending a few days with Grammy and Grandpa" Lucas said as he drove home with Maya  

"But why? I like you are Maya better" Lily frowned from her car seat.

"I know but we have to go on a school trip!" Lucas said trying to sound enthusiasticly.

All he wanted to do was finish off school, and stay home with his baby girl and watch her grow up. But no, he was getting pushed further away from her.

"Oh don't be so down Huckleberry. We're going to the ski lodge which is four hours away. How do you think I feel. I gotta sit next to riley all that time talking about bunnies and probably you." Maya rolled her eyes.

"Well if you help me, we can force Farkle to sit next to her" Lucas smirked.



"Why Matthews. Seven am on a saturday" Maya complained, walking into class with no bags

"Because we need to get there before night. And where are your bags"

Maya didn't say anything, but gestured to Lucas who walked in carrying two luggage and a book bag.

"Thanks Rick." Maya smiled to him as he set the bags next to her desk.

From the corner of Maya's eyes, she spotted Riley rolling her eyes.

Huh.  Jealous much.

"Okay class, let's head onto the bus. Your partners and room assignments will be your partners for the research simulation task I assigned a few weeks back." Cory Matthews said as he guided the class to the front.

Lucas and Maya smiled eachother and boarded the bus, walking all the way towards the back to find their seats.

They settled in a section with nobody really around and got seated.

Lucas on the inside, Maya near the isle.

"Night huckleberry" Maya said, grabbing a fluffy blanket from her bag and wrapped it around her self then leaned on his lap trying to find comfort so she fall asleep.

Lucas smiled at her actions, and stroked her long blonde hair as the bus started moving.

Four hours to go.

Time passed and Lucas fell asleep against the bus window, with Maya still asleep.

The bus came to a sudden jolt waking Lucas up.

They have arrived at the ski lodge.

"Maya" Lucas whispered while stroking her hair again.

She mumbled random words in her sleep and snuggled closer into Lucas.

"Maya. You gotta wake up, everybody is getting out."

She wasn't budging so Lucas did what he though was best and lifted her up and carried her inside.

They got their room key and he led her to the room they would be staying in for the next few days, and placed her slowly down on the queen size bed.

He left quietly, and went and retrieved their bags.

"Mayaaa" Lucas sang as he got bored from watching TV and letting Maya sleep.

She still slept and Lucas gave up.

Clearly the girl was tired, and was not going to interior her sleep.  so Lucas jumped in the bed with her and since he was not sleeping on the other pull out couch, and fell asleep.


"WAKE UP LUCAYA NATION" Zay screamed waking the two up.

Behind him were Riley and Farkle who were also not pleased at Zay screaming.

Maya ignored him and pulled the covers over her head, and burrowed her head into the pillow.

"She's tired" Lucas stated looking down at the half asleep blonde laying very close to him.

"Yeah well it's time to wake up. Dinner is gonna be in the cafeteria hall thingie at 8 and my dad wants to talk to us."

"Well it's 7:15ish now so leave so we can get ready. We will meet you all later" Lucas said while getting out of the bed.

They nodded awkwardly and left.

"Maya it's me Lucas. You have been sleeping for a while now, dinner is almost done and we were going to facetime Lily but I guess not" Lucas teased. Knowing that Lily would wake up Maya.

Soon enough, Maya was up and sitting next to Lucas in the bed facetiming Liliana.

"Daddy! Maya!" Lily cheered as she picked up facetime.

"Hey lil. How are your grandparents?" Maya asked the little girl.

"Good. But I miss you two. I wanna snuggle and watch movies all night long with you guys!" Liliana frowned missing them.

"Well me and Maya will be back before you know it. And we will get you a present from here too!" Lucas smiled.

Liliana smiled back.

The conversation carried on and on and the three catching up with eachother.

Riley opened the door quietly and walked in to get the two for dinner.

"Who's that?" Riley said gesturing towards the little girl on the screen.

"I'm Liliana Grave Fr-" She started before being interrupted by Maya.

"Bye Lily! Talk to you soon!" She said quickly before hanging up before Lily had another chance to speak.

"She's Liliana grace, friends of mine and I watch her sometimes. She wanted to facetime us" Maya lied.

"I never knew you babysat" Riley questioned while walking further into the room.

"well we're ready so wanna head down now?" Maya asked getting up from the bed.

"Yeah let's go! Riley smiled locking arms with Maya and left leaving Lucas to walk behind them.

They met up with Zay and Farkle who waited at the end of the hall.

They sat on the couches which were located downstairs, and waited for their teacher to talk.

"Hey everybody. Glad we all
got here safely. First off let's me our helpers and assistants that will be guide us through this education experience in the great outdoors" Mr Matthews said while gesturing to the other people.

"Meet my little brother, Joshua Matthews." Cory smiled.

Josh waved to the students and stopped when he spotted Maya and Lucas.

He gave Lucas a dirty stare and continued his wave to others.

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