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It had been about a year after your girlfriend left you. It was a Saturday afternoon, it was kinda cold out since it was the middle of November but, you decided to go on a walk to a little hill by a lake that your parents always took you to when you were a child. It was your favorite place out of anywhere in the world.

As you were walking, you stopped dead in your tracks as you saw a girl. She had the most beautiful blueish hazel eyes you had ever seen covered by black framed glasses. She had dark brown hair that was a little longer than shoulder length. Your eyes widened at the sight of her, the way that her brown hair fell perfectly and lightly onto her shoulders with every step she took. The way that the sun shined slightly through her glasses was just enough to make a light shade of red cover your cheeks. She looked like she was in a slight hurry.

As you stood there, frozen, admiring the most beautiful woman your eyes have ever stumbled upon, you didn't notice that she was walking toward you. You were awoken from daydreaming by falling to your side.

" Ow..." You hear a very beautiful, and soft voice from in front of you. You rub the top left side of your head. As you open your eyes, you see a blurry figure in front of you. As your vision starts getting clearer." Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!! I wasn't paying attention, and I ju-" the voice  says. " It's cool, it was just a little bump." You say, slightly in pain. " Are you sure?" You hear the voice say.

You look up and see the girl. " Oh, you're bleeding!" She says. " Huh?...oh" you say bringing your hand down in front of your face. " Here, come with me" she said. She gently takes your free (right) hand. She takes you to her car and opens the door. As she leans into the car, you look down to her butt (😂) your eyes widened and you quickly look away.

She gets out of the car and you see a box...of bandages. " Oh, no you don't have to do this. It's really fin-" you say before she interrupts you." Oh. Nonsense!" She says a little dramatic. "I'm SO sorry for bumping into you. I was just texting my best friend" she says as she puts the bandage onto your sore." its fine, I promise" you say. You look down to see her, she was looking at you. " You're....really nice" she said. Your eyes slightly get wider and you blush a little bit. " I'm Lauren" she said with a small smile, still looking at you. " I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you" you say quietly.( Insert ship name here)

"Hey, do you want a ride home?" Lauren asked. You said...

CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHABAHAHA.  Okie... Well, tell me if you like it in the comments. I'm pretty proud of this chapter tho....Okie buh-bye!😘

Lauren x Reader ( first fanfic, BE WARNED!!)Where stories live. Discover now