The Catch

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After the groups parted Eunji and her group went to the most scariest roller coaster in the entire park. "I don't think we should go on this ride first" V said "yeah I think we should ride smaller roller coasters first and maybe if we have enough time we can ride this" Baekhyun says. "Okay fine we'll go on water rides first because we have two pussies with us" Eunji said "Yahh we're not pussies, we just think we should start small then save the best for last" V said "Sure".  While walking they heard a familiar scream coming from the roller coaster above them. They look at the roller coaster coming their way and see their best friend in the front row screaming like crazy "AAAAAHHHHHHHH, OMMA SARANGHAE" J-hoe yells. "HAHAHA look at J-Hoe screaming like a little girl" Baekhyun said "at least he has courage to get on the roller coaster compared to someone who doesn't even want to go on one" Eunji said in a sassy way "arasso kaja I don't want to keep getting humiliated by Eunji" Baek said. Eunji and her group get on the water ride and immediately Baekhyun and V start screaming. "YAHH hajima, the ride hasn't even started yet and your already screaming like a bitch" Eunji scolded. The ride starts and immediately they get soaked by water squirting at them,(Imagine jurassic world in Universal Studios) After the ride all 5 of them are extremely wet. "Eunji here" Suho hands Eunji a towel. "It's fine I don't need it, we're gonna go on other roller coasters so i'll just dry up from that" "Okay" Suho said disappointed. While Eunji is talking with Chanyeol, Suho notices that she's shivering. "I told you to dry your self up but your too stubborn" Suho said while drying up her face. Eunji is staring at Suho while he's drying her up and feels her heart beating extremely fast. "Listen to me next time okay" Suho said while putting the towel around her body and pulling her closer to him. While staring at each other Eunji and Suhos heart beats so fast that an earthquake might happen. "MMMHHH" Chan coughed, Eunji and suho pull apart from each other "Okay let's go to my ride" Eunji said flustered. After spending 7 hours at the park they meet up at the front, everybody is there except for one person "Where's Lay?" Eunji asked "I don't know we've been looking for him but we can't find him, we called, text, hell we even tried to track his phone but it's off" Xiumin said worriedly "WHAT". Out of nowhere eunji receives a call from an unknown number and immediately answers it "Lay?" "Huh you thought this was Lay? Well we do have Lay with us, but if you don't arrive at the warehouse within an hour your going to be seeing something very devastating in the news tomorrow. Hurry up times ticking and your timer starts...... NOW". Eunji immediately tells the boys to go back to the dorm as she will find Lay, the boys protest at first but then later agrees. Eunji rushes to her home and starts wearing her outfit when she's out on missions, she usually wears a mask but because this person already knows how she looks like it's useless. She only has 30 min. left and there's a lot of traffic "FUCK... I think I won't make it on time. Please Lay even if I am late please be safe" She says worriedly.

Green POV

"She only has 5 minutes left and she's not her yet... huh pathetic". Green walks up to Lay and says "Wow I thought you guys were best friends but in the end she just left you here to die. What a true friend she is" "What do you mean? Who are you talking about and why am I here?" Lay asks"well let's say you are precious to a very close friend of mine, well I thought you were precious to her but seeing that she only has 30 seconds left and she's still not here your nothing to her". As there are only 10 seconds left on the clock Green starts to countdown "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2" As he was about to say one somebody barges into the warehouse "Now I heard my friend was kidnapped by a bunch of idiots, well here I am to save the day and to prove to you guys to never fucking mess with me or my friends". Green is shocked upon seeing her there by the doorway "Well...well...well longtime no see bitch I genuinely missed you, I wish we can talk about your problems but I have to beat your ass first. Well let's get this party started!"

Hope you guys liked this, there are definitely a lot more bad words in this one than the other one but oh well. In the next chapter your going to be reading about Eunji being awesome and kicking some ass. I'm also going to explain why Green hates Eunji so much.

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