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"Huh?!"BTS and EXO said in unison

"What's going on in here" the mysterious person said

"Oh... uhm" Suho said nervously

"Shouldn't you be practicing right now? Why are you partying?" the person asked

"We... were... trying to do something" RM said

"Now is not the time to joke around. You each have a comeback soon and you need to practice as much as possible" The person said

"Yeah we know and we are... we just needed to do this because it's very important to us" V said

"How is partying more important than practicing for your comeback?" They asked

"I'm sorry if I may come off a little rude, but LSM, as of this moment, today, this is more important than anything in the world to us right now. We made the biggest mistake by neglecting our best friend who means the world to us, who has helped us through our worst and best moments in our life. It was her birthday today but we completely forgot and instead celebrated somebody else's birthday that has betrayed us before" Suho said

"We wanted to make up for forgetting her birthday by throwing her a surprise party but she hasn't come back yet. To be honest she may never come back here... or to our friendship, but we have been waiting for the past 3 hours hoping she will come back and forgive us. Will that happen... maybe... most likely not because we have put her through so much for the past couple of months that I feel like at this point... we don't deserve her. But you know what... all we can hope for is that she comes back. If she doesn't then that's on us for not treating her the way she needs to be treated" Chanyeol said  passionately

"You guys" Eunji said as she starts walking into the room after hearing what they had to say

"Eunji!" BTS and EXO said in unison

"To be honest... I was getting tired of being heartbroken by you guys and always getting into arguments that I thought, maybe it's better off if we weren't friends. But after hearing what you had to say and what you did for me, that would make me selfish for leaving my friends that will love me unconditionally" Eunji said emotionally

"Well then... I guess we'll have that meeting tomorrow instead Eunji and you guys can have your party" LSM said

"Really" Eunji, BTS, and EXO said in unison excitedly

"Yeah... as much as your comeback is important, friendship is number one. And if you guys aren't in a healthy mental state you won't work hard for your comeback"LSM said

"Thank you" Suho said

"Well I'll leave you guys to it, have fun, but not too much fun" LSM said as he waved goodbye

With only Eunji, BTS, and EXO in the room, there was a moment of silence

"Well... what are we waiting for, let's celebrate" Eunji said excitedly

"Ah yah let's get the party started!!!" V yelled

Everyone started preparing for the party as Eunji watched them scatter all over the place

"Hey Eunji can I talk to you real quick, in private?" he asked

"Yeah sure" Eunji said

They both walk to the corner of the room, opposite from where the boys are at

"So what did you want to talk about?" Eunji asked

"Uhm... I've been meaning to tell you this but I've been too scared. I've been feeling this way for quite awhile now and I really think this is the perfect time" he said nervously

"Hey calm down it's okay, just breath" Eunji said while rubbing his arm trying to calm him down


Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I started a new story!! It's not Eunji related but she's in there. It's a Y/N story and a little bit more on the cliche side. I hope you guys read it whenever you get a chance :)

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