Going Public

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As the party was coming to an end Taemin drove Eunji home. The car ride was full of laughter and happiness as they talked about their experience at the party. As they continue to talk they finally reached Eunji's house. Taemin went out of the car to open the door for Eunji and walks her to the front door.

"Thanks for agreeing to be my "Girlfriend"" Taemin said. "It's okay i'm just doing you a favor, which means when I ask a favor from you, you better not decline". Taemin raises his hand and says "I Taemin promise to never decline Eunji's favor". They both laughed after his statement.

"Okay then i'll go back to the dorm" Taemin turns around and starts walking away. "Wait" Eunji yells and starts running towards him. Taemin turns around and Eunji unexpectedly kisses him on his cheek. "What a goodbye kiss never hurt nobody" Eunji said to a shocked Taemin. Eunji turns around and enters her home. Taemin still standing in front of her house shocked finally started walking to his car while covering his cheeks due to him blushing.

Breaking News

Taemin  was spotted dropping Eunji off at her house after the launch party of her debut. As you can see in the pictures Eunji is kissing Taemin on the cheek and Taemin walking away smiling while covering his cheeks due to him blushing. Last week we also spotted them together at the park late at night. We can confirm now that the lady Taemin was with was Eunji due to her name on her backpack. Are Taemin and Eunji dating? Do you ship them? Are they close friends?  Also comment down what they're ship name should be, I personally like Taeji.

Eunji POV

"Oh my god another dating scandal, when will it stop" She puts down her tablet after reading the article. while she's quietly eating her manager calls her

"Sup" E

"so you and Taemin a thing now?" M

"I guess" E

"Oh my god that's so cute, I'm dating his manager and now you guys are dating, its like fate is calling for us two couples to have a double date" M

Eunji almost spits the food out of her mouth "Okay don't get too ahead of yourself"

"Okay but I need you to come to SM the big man wants to talk to you and Taemin" M

"K" E

Eunji arrives at SM and sees her picture displayed at the front of the building and fans sitting down at the front. She gets out of the van and fans start surrounding her, security shows up to protect her from the crowd. While she's walking to the front door she grabs gifts that fans are giving her. As soon as she enters the building she immediately goes to LSM office. When she arrives Taemin is already there.

"Eunji come have a seat" LSM said. She sits right across Taemin and flashes a smile at him.

"So I hear that you guys are dating. Is it true" Eunji and Taemin both nod. "Okay now the big question is do you want your relationship to go public?" Eunji nods and says "I think it's for the best and plus I don't think we can deny it either because of all the pictures of both of us online" Tamein nods in agreement. "Okay i'll make an official statement that you guys have started dating recently. And also you have to do a couple photo shoot for our magazine" LSM said "Okay" they both said at the same time.

After the meeting they both exit the room and start walking to the front to go do the photo shoot. As they walk someone grabs Eunji's wrist and stops her from walking, as she turns around she sees Exo and Bts behind Suho who is holding her wrist.

"Eunji can we please talk to you" Suho said "Sorry I can't have to go somewhere" she says while trying to get out of his grip. "Eunji just please talk to us we just want to apologize" Suho says as he tightens his grip. "Look I told you i'm busy we can talk later" Eunji says with an irritated face and tone due to his tightened grip. "Can you stop avoiding us and talk to us" Suho yells making his grip on her tighten even more. Eunji yelps in pain due to his tightening grip. Taemin immediately runs to Eunji to get her out of his grip.

"Yahh are you crazy look what you did to her wrist" Taemin yells at Suho and starts examining Eunji's wrist, it's red and starting to bruise. Suho immediately regrets his actions and tries to look at her wrist but Taemin pulls Eunji away. "Don't ever talk to Eunji and don't even think of coming close to her" Taemin told Suho

Suho's heart dropped after seeing what he did to Eunji. "Can you at least answer my question" he asks Taemin. "What" Taemin replies. "Are you guys dating?" he asks "Yes" Taemin immediately said which broke half of the boys hearts. After replying Taemin holds Eunji's hand and they both start walking to the front.

As they exit the building hand in hand fans and paparazzis are taking pictures of them as if there is no tomorrow. They both enter the van and Taemin asks Eunji if her wrist is okay. She nods her head as a response. They soon arrive at the photo shoot and got they're hair and makeup done. After hair and makeup they start the photoshoot

 After hair and makeup they start the photoshoot

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(I tried my best)

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(I tried my best)

And that's it for this chapter, please don't make fun of my photoshop skills. I'm trying to improve. See you in the next chapter

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