Chapter Three [Part One]

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All of the alarms went off at the same time, the recruits excitedly sitting up in their bunks as they prepared for their first full morning of training. The team started to get ready, speaking to themselves about their excitement for their chosen classes.

A Veteran made sure to stop by their dorm, knocking on all of the doors to check that everyone was awake. Lev was handed another daily schedule, sitting on his bed to look it over thoroughly. Rae looked over his shoulder, the two of them talking to themselves as the others got ready.

The team traveled down the hall towards the mess hall, appearing to already be close to each other since the previous day. They walked closer to each other, even branching out to other teams of recruits so they could meet new people.

Everyone scarfed down their breakfast, pushing away their pangs of excitement as the awaited the call for training. The recruits were shuffling around in their seats, unable to sit still as the minutes ticked by.

The team couldn't help but talk excitedly, each member speaking about what specifically they were anticipating in the training camp that they chose. They pushed most of their breakfast aside, the nerves curbing their appetite long enough to keep them distracted.

Promptly at eight-o-clock, the team of Veterans stepped up to the front of the hall to address the recruits. The room immediately was silenced, the teams ready to leave immediately for their class. The woman with the clipboard stepped out of the line, one of her characteristic smiles covering her face.

"Good morning, recruits. I see that you all were up bright and early this morning. I hope that you all slept well and that you are ready for your first day in your training camp." The mess hall erupted in cheers, a few people getting out of their seats to add a dramatic effect. The woman kindly asked for them to seat themselves back down, waiting before she started to speak once more.

"When we release you, you will start by heading over to your dorms to change. Outside of your door will be a duffel bag filled with custom-tailored uniforms. You will each put on your respective uniform before you return to the foyer. We will wait for everyone to arrive and then we will send you over to your training camps in your teams. Your instructor will be writing your name on a class roster, so please be patient with them." She quickly skimmed over her clipboard, ensuring that she hadn't missed any details.

"Recruits, you are free to travel to your rooms and change. The first ones to arrive will be the first to enter their classes. You are now released."

A large stampede of recruits rushed forward, many of them in their teams as they rushed towards their dorm room. The main team of recruits leaped over their table, rushing towards their room in a desperate attempt to arrive back first.

Lev sprinted ahead, pulling out their key to unlock the room. He swung the door open, grabbing the duffel bag and flinging it onto his bed. The rest of the team filed in behind him, searching for their uniforms before throwing them onto their bodies.

Lev and Rae found their uniforms first, stripping off their clothes in the middle of the room. Everyone grumbled but found themselves joining in. Titus had grabbed Akilina's uniform, throwing it to her so she could retreat to the bathroom with Marya. The boys quickly changed, surprised when the girls exited the bathroom at the same time they had finished. Lev started screaming for the team to run ahead as he grabbed the key to lock the door once more.

As the team approached the mess hall, they could hear a few of the Veterans traveling further down the hall. They were calling into the rooms with the cracked doors, making general announcements to the entire hall.

"If everyone could get into their teams and step forward towards the mess hall entrance, we can get started right away." Lev turned around as he ran to observe the event, everyone grabbing their team members as they rushed forward towards the Veterans. A few of the Veterans stepped out of their own room, calmly corralling the kids as they swarmed the front of the dorm hall. The woman had stepped out of their way, making her way towards the mess hall as she made a few notes on her clipboard.

The main team had managed to make their way to the mess hall first, the excitement covering their faces. The woman looked up at them and smiled, pleased by their happiness in the program and their ability to beat the other recruits. The team waited semi-patiently for the other recruits to arrive, puffing out their chests as the others entered the room and gave them playful glares.

The recruits fell into hushed whispers, the line of Veterans returning to the front of the entrance. The woman remained out of line, taking attendance to ensure that everyone had returned.

"Thank you for your efficiency in time, recruits. Our facility and staff greatly appreciate your willingness to work quickly." She cleared her throat, waiting until the entire mess hall fell silent. A few Veterans made their way towards the back of the line of teams, standing beside them in hopes that it would keep them quiet.

"We will be releasing you momentarily so you all can get registered for your designated training camp. Your instructors will speak on this topic more, but you all will be taking classes every day for the rest of your stay. The schedule will be relatively the same, starting with morning classes and ending with our general training class after dinner." She flipped through all of the pages in her clipboard, checking to make sure that she had said all of the information imperative to the day.

"Alright, recruits. I will be releasing you based on which team arrived first." She walked up to the main team, pulling up her attendance sheet. "Can I have all of your names, please?"

Each member of the team said their name, waiting for the woman to mark them down. They then went through and said which class they were interested in, the woman marking a letter beside their name. She then released them to make their way towards their class, moving on to the next team.

Everyone stepped outside of the mess hall, forming a line as they approached the training hall. Each of the recruits smiled happily, making eye contact with their new instructors.

Marya and Dorian walked up to their rooms first, approaching the two instructors that were standing together. They greeted the two of them, listening intently to them as they spoke.

"Just so the two of you are aware, you both will be starting in our Advanced Engineering class, and you can later certify and advanced forward for the Flight Training class if you are interested." The twins nodded excitedly, giving each instructor their names.

Lev and Akilina stepped forward next, stepping up to their instructors so they could take down their names. Lev walked towards the instructor of the Weaponry class, giving the teacher a rough handshake. They smiled back, patting him on the back as he remembered how Lev had performed during the class demonstration the previous day.

Akilina walked nervously up to her own instructor, waving to him as she approached. He smiled kindly, writing down her name on his attendance sheet. He greeted her kindly, complimenting her once more on her skills and abilities that she had demonstrated at the front of the classroom. She blushed slightly, a large smile on her face as she entered the room.

Titus and Rae were the last two to come forward, walking to the end of the hall to reach their classes. Rae had come forward first, heading straight for the Defense class. His instructor greeted him, preparing to write his name down on his attendance sheet.

"My name is Alexio, but I would prefer to go by Rae," he added, watching the instructor as he wrote down his name on the master sheet.

"No problem, I will make sure to remember that. I will add it to my personal copy." The man nodded kindly, motioning for Rae to enter the classroom. He did as he was told, picking his seat towards the back of the room.

Titus had stayed behind for a moment longer,making sure that Akilina had safely arrived ather classroom. He was able to grab her attention from her seat, waving to herthrough the window. She smiled happily, waving back as she watched him walktowards his class. He approached his instructor, who acknowledged him as heapproached. Titus gave him his name, watching him write it down before heentered his own classroom.

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