My Life In District 11

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I'm standing in front of my parents as they are whipped in the square. My mom's passed out, and my dad's barely conscious. I grip Sally's hand so hard her face is contorted in pain, but she keeps quiet, knowing that I need her more than anything right now. Finally they let my parents go. They are instantly taken to a medic. I'm pacing inside Sally's room, tears pouring out of my eyes. I can't believe the Peacekeepers did this to my parents just because they were caught complaining about the Hunger Games. Finally, Sally's mom, Anaya comes,"Belle..."she says, getting ready to tell me the news. But with a look at her face I know the truth. My parents are gone. They've passed away. I am now an orphan. At the orphanage there's no more space. The law forbids Anaya from letting me live with her. I am forced to live in the streets. I can't even live in my house anymore. So I live in the shack me and my dad built for fun. As a game. A game that gave me my new home. I stare at the horrible place. It's barely 10x10 feet. And I burst out crying. 


I wake up from my nightmare. The nightmare I've had constantly for 3 years since my parents died when I was 9. My face has fresh tears on them and I'm drenched in a cold sweat. I know I've been kicking and shoving stuff, because my shack is a mess. I put everything together . All my stuff in the box that I got from Sally when I lost my house. My few outfits. A knife meant for cooking, some other weapons made out of branches, a cage that I built a few months ago, a small bottle for water, a bag sewn by Anaya's friend, Myrna. And finally, a necklace with two rings hanging from it. Anaya took it from my parents' bodies before they were been buried. It's all I have left of them. I miss them so much... No, Bellatrix. No time for mourning. Food is not going to appear at my door. At least not anymore, since Anaya was caught delivering it. But in the past year, ever since I started sneaking into the woods, I learned about plants you can eat, plants that are disgusting, and plants that'll kill you. I also made up a trap for catching squirrels. I step out of my shack. The stars gleam forcefully in the midnight sky. The advantage of living in a shack is that getting to the woods is easier. In my bag I have my weapons, my empty bottle, and my cage. My necklace is around my neck, secured. They say the fence is on and on high voltage on all hours, so I've never touched it. Instead I climb a tree and jump to another until I'm inside. I set my trap next to a tree and climb another. On the top, I examine the leaves and berries. Deadly? Disgusting? Safe? ... I make my decision and yank about 20 berries from the tree and shove them into my bag. I skip around trees and do the same, collecting different kinds of leaves. Standing on a tree with leaves that when bitten let out a juice that'll kill you in seconds, I hear a scuffling sound. I freeze. Silently I pull a dozen of them off a branch and watch them glide innocently to the floor. I don't move a muscle until I hear the sound of something hitting the floor. Excited, I jump down to see a dead rabbit. A rabbit! I've never caught one of these! I grab a branch and stick it down the rabbits's throat, pulling out all the poisonous leaves. I put my rabbit in my bag and walk over to a small, almost unseen stream and fill up my bottle.Then I walk over to the trap I set up earlier. A squirrel is inside the cage, looking desperate to get out. I pull out a sharp stick I sharpened with bark and stab it through the head. Then I take my cage and the squirrel, destroy any proof that I was here, and prepare to climb and get over the fence. As I'm walking to my shack, I think happily of how good this rabbit is going to taste. Yummy. That's how.

*Author's Note- I hope you liked it! I know it looks like I completely stole the "woods" Idea from Katniss and the jumping from tree to tree idea from Rue, but I did tell you my main character was based on some of the characters from the books... 

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