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Reba and Narvel got off the plane and got into the car. On their way to Cesars palace they saw huge signs of Reba with Ronnie to her right and Kix to her left. Reba smiled to herself.

"Are you excited, babe?" Narvel asked her.

"Very" she replied. Narvel grabbed her hand and held it until they reached Caesars palace. Narvel got out and went around to her side to open the door for her. Reba smiled and blushed and got out. There was fans, paparazzi, and of course security guards.

Narvel held her hand tightly and lead her through the crowd. This made her smile. He was always protective of her. When they got inside they walked straight to the performance area. Ronnie and Kix were sitting on stage laughing with the rest of the crew.

"Hey Red, you made it," Kix laughed while saying that.

"I sure did," Reba giggled back as she released Narvels hand and embraced Kix then Ronnie.

"I hope I didn't miss anything." They all laughed.

"Nah, made it just in time, we were about to start warming up and rehearsals." Ronnie told her. They started rehearsing and Narvel went to her dressing room. He sat down and ended up falling asleep.

          Meanwhile at Kelly's house

"Momma, has grandma had any other babies besides Shelby?" Lily asked Kelly.

Kelly looked st Brandon then back at Lily.

"Why no hunny, why would you think that?" Kelly replied.

"Well because when I was at her house I went into the basement and found a picture of her, at least I think it was her. But the gal in the picture was pregnant"

Kelly and Brandon listened and nodded.

"And then she found me and took the picture and told me to go upstairs. I heard her crying in her room the rest of the night."

"I'm sure it was a picture from when she had Shelby." Brandon told lily.

"But then I saw a picture of her and granddad holding a baby girl," she tried arguing.

"They did use to dress Shelby up like a girl sometimes," Brandon said while him and Kelly laughed together.

"Well then why was there two different birth dates on both the pictures?"

"It was probably one of her friends."

Lily thought about it. It could be true.

"Okay. I guess so." Lily said. She decided to drop it.

        Later at Caesars palace

Reba had just finished the show. She went back to her dressing room and saw Narvel sleeping. She laughed hearing him snore. She kisser him and woke him up.

"Hey baby" she started. "How'd you sleep"

"Great!" He said and kissed her and then sat up.

"Want to go get dinner? I'm hungry," she said.  He nodded. They had dinner and then went back to their room in the hotel. ~
Hey guys/gals I'm so sorry I haven't updated. Its been ages. But instead of making excuses, I would like to thank you all for being patient with me. And thank you all for sticking with me and keep reading my stories. Thanks, loves.

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