Chapter 6

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Sam looked to her friends, read the expressions on their faces, then looked back to Mitsuru, "We appreciate the concern, but we've come this far. And our stealth and spying skills may yet help you catch this guy," she said. Alex and Clover gave Mitsuru a look of agreement.

"You've got a big group, but if we need to fight those creatures, our gear can help us," Clover said.

"With the world at stake, it's tough to just walk away. Also, backup never hurts," Alex added seriously.

Mitsuru nodded in agreement. "Very well. Thank you," she said, and leaned back slightly in her seat. "I almost forgot-- Shadows can only be eliminated by specially developed weapons we all have," she said, indicating her friends. I'll be sure to get you some as soon as possible. Does an extendable staff sound like a weapon you three could each use?" she asked.

Sam, Alex, and Clover nodded in agreement. "Then as soon as we get an address on this guy, we contact you and go into spy mode," Sam said to the group to clarify.

"Yes," Mitsuru said, rising from her seat, followed by everyone else. "We'll be ready as soon as you've found him or there's any possibility of Shadow involvement," she added. They made their way from the dining room to the front door, engaged in small talk along the way.

"I nearly forgot. Tomorrow night is a full moon, and Shadow-related activity is often tied into it," Mitsuru said with a sigh. "My guess is nightfall tomorrow is our deadline for finding him," she mused.

"Got it. Well, thanks for having us over. It was a big help," Alex said.

"And it was good meeting everyone," Clover said, making eye contact with the others, ending with Akihiko. He gave a small, nervous smile.

"Of course. And please accept a ride back to your hotel," Mitsuru replied.

"Oh, thank you," Sam replied, followed by her friends.

Everyone briefly exchanged farewells before Sam, Alex, and Clover filed out the door to the black sedan that had pulled up outside to take them back to their hotel. Soon after, Akihiko, Yukari, and Junpei had exchanged farewells and were given a ride in another car.

Koromaru was being cared for by Mitsuru while his owner, Ken, was on a trip overseas. Aigis and Labrys were both built roughly 20 years ago to combat Shadows.  Labrys was constructed first, then Aigis a few years later as an updated Anit-Shadow living weapon.  Over time, they'd grown personalities like anyone else by interacting with others.  In fact, both possessed a Plume of Dusk in their core; a personality module that effectively acted as a 'soul' and allowed use of a Persona.   Though the older android, Labrys joined Mitsuru at a later date due to a series of circumstances.  Both lived at the large estate and had their own recharging chambers.  They walked back up the stairs and Aigis closed and locked the door.

"It's unusual to work with outsiders, and especially to reveal that we're Persona-users," Mitsuru confided to her friends as they walked down the main hall.

Aigis gave her a reassuring look. "True, but I feel we can trust them, and hope they feel the same," she said, looking to her, then the others hopefully. Mitsuru gave her a smile, thankful for the support.

A/N: If you've decided to read this, thanks for doing so and coming this far.  I hope you've enjoyed reading.  Please vote and comment if you have.  Thank you!

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