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"Hello there Rosie. How was your nap?" The man asked my mother, unaware of me watching from the shadows. My mommy had told me to run when the big men with guns burst into our small two bedroom apartment, but when I saw them knock my mommy out and take her away I couldn't help but follow. 

"We heard you've been sitting on a fortune. We also heard that you've been whoring around with a few different guys. Maybe a kid?" The man asked while my mother gave him a cold look and tried to say something through the dirty cloth wrapped around her mouth.

"Oh, let me help you with that sweet-pea." The nasty man said while removing the cloth from around her mouth.

"Get you're filthy hands off of me Nickolas or I swear to go..." My mommy couldn't finish the sentence before the big man 'Nickolas' cut her off.

"Or what Rosie? Is your boyfriend gonna come beat me up, because you and I both know that's not going to happen. Hell, last I heard he was getting drunk somewhere in Australia and fucking some girl, who by the way, isn't you. But I guess you're over it, is that it?" The man asked with a smirk on his face.

"That's not the point you and I both know that he takes care of me and my son and that's all I ask of him." My mommy said with a hurt look on her face, and i just wanted to go and give her a hug but I was afraid of what the man would do to us.

"Now how about we cut to the chase and you tell me why you really brought me here."

"Rosie, baby you know I've always loved you're sense of humor. But you know it doesn't work that way. Although I would love to have my way with you, this one wasn't my call. the big boss wants to see you" My mother scoffed at this.

"If he wanted to see me so bad, then why didn't he just come get me himself?"

"Marcus doesn't do anything himself, you should know that by now." The man said as he pulled up a chair and sat closer to my mommy.

"Either way, let's get this over with." My mother said while glaring at the man. I didn't like this man already.

The man got up to untie my mom from the chair. When he turned away from my mommy and looked towards my direction, I sucked in a breath and prayed to God that he wouldn't see me. God must not have been listening because the next thing I know I heard a dark chuckle and my mommy call my name before the big man came at me with a needle. There was a sharp sting and then nothingness.

After that, now I kinda wished I had never waken up. When I came to, my life went to complete shit.

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