Chapter 16

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️Nialls POV

I don't really feel the tattoo when I get it. I'm so used to the feeling, I just don't notice. But, I could tell it really hurt Vanessa. She screwed her eyes shut and help on tightly to my hand.

After the tattoo, I decide that I'm going to make this a night to remember for her. I go up to the front desk and pay.

"Now that we've started the fun, it's about to get even better", I say with a smirk.

"Where are we going?" She asks nervously.

"You'll see babe", I say. I know where I'm going. In taking her to a bar. Who knows what else we will do. I could just fuck her all night long. I start to smirk at my idea and she notices.

"What ya smirkin' about over there?" She asks playfully. I she is already this giddy, then we will have an amazing night.

"Just fucking you all night long until your body can't take no more", I say and she gaps. I chuckle and she swats at my arm.

I pull into the bar and it only has a few cars in it. Vanessa gives me a look that says 'Are you serious?' I just smile and nod my head. Vanessa rolls her eyes at my and then she giggles a tad bit.

When we walk into the bar, there are only two or three people. There are two men who look like they are in their late fortes. The scan up an down Vanessa's body and I shoot them a back off glare. I grab her hand and take her to a stool right by the bar.

"What would you two like to drink?" The man asks, his name tag reads Trey. He never breaks eye contact with her and it's driving me crazy.

"Two shots." I say through my teeth. Trey grabs the bottle of vodka and two shot glasses, he fills them up and hands them to us.

Vanessa's POV

When I see that Niall pulls into the bar, I begin to get excited. When we walk in, there are only two people inside. Niall leads me over to the bar stools and I sit and wait for the bartender to come over. A man in his mid twenties, with a name tag that says Trey, comes over to me.

"What would you to like to drink?" He asks. He is asking the wrong person to take the order. Trey's brown eyes never leave mine and I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"Two shots." Niall says flatly. Trey goes over and grabs a bottle with clear liquid and two shot glasses. He fills them up and slides them to us.

"You first", Niall says smirking. I sigh and bring the glass to my mouth. I open my mouth and tilt the glass back. When I get done swallowing it, I feel a burn in the back of my throat. I start coughing and Niall drinks his. It doesn't look like it phases him, but hell, that stuff is strong. Niall grabs the bottle of the clear liquid again and pours some more into my glass and his.

"On the third shot, you'll start feeling something", Niall says. "I'm only drinking two since I have to drive, but you, your gonna get drunk." He says and drinks his glass. "Oh yea, this is vodka. I will get tequila here in a minuet after your third shot."

I do the same as I did before, and swallow down the vodka. It still burns, but not much like the first time. Niall fills my glass up again, and I take that shot. Now I can feel it. I feel the alcohol in my veins. Niall waves Trey back over and orders the tequila for me. He pours the brown liquid into my glass and I don't hesitate to take the shot. I will be drunk pretty soon, actually I already feel it.

"How are you feeling?" Niall asks when I get done drinking my fifth shot.

"Amazing", I say before thinking. Trey goes over and turns some music on. My favorite song comes on and I get up and walk over to Niall. I stand between his legs and stand on my tip toes to whisper in his ear.

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