Chapter 21

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Vanessa's POV

After graduation, me, Niall and my family went out to eat. We went to my mothers favorite place, Olive Garden.

I got a simple salad because I wasn't to hungry anyways.

We said our good-byes and I didn't tell mom or Liam about the house. I think mom would be pretty upset since it's an hour away. I knew that Liam would be pissed too.

Niall's POV

After the dinner, I got a text from Harry.

*Hey man! We are having a graduation party! Come over to my house and bring that girl of yours*

A graduation party wouldn't be to bad, it's just that it's Harry's party. I know he has something on Vanessa.

"Hey Harry invited us for a graduation party, wanna go?" I asked Vanessa.

"Harry? Umm... I guess so." She said trailing off. I knew she didn't want to see Harry.

"Let's just try and have a good time babe", I said, trying to comfort her.


Vanessa's POV

I wasn't to excited about this party. It was to late to back out considering Niall was leading me into the kitchen for a drink.

"Niall!" I heard some one shout.

Soon Harry came over with a brown headed girl. She was real tan and absolutely gorgeous. I was instantly jealous.

"Hi! I'm Bella!" The girl shouted over the music.

"I'm Vanessa!" I shouted back. I could see Harry skimming my body from head to toe, Niall gave him a death glare.

"Glad to see this beautiful thing at my party!" Harry yelled. I rolled my eyes and Bella tugged Harry's arm.

"Shut the fuck up! I will beat your ass!" Niall yelled back, I inched closer to him for protection.

"I'm kidding! Now let's go get a drink!" Harry took us to the table filled with different drinks. He later told us that there was a beer pong table set up in the living room. Niall went off with some guys and I was left with Bella.

"Wanna play beer pong?" She asked me.

"Sure! I just don't know how to play", I answered back.

"It's easy! You throw the ping pong into the cup and which ever cup it lands in, you drink it! The more drinks you have, you win!" She grabbed my hand and took me off to the living room.

We played with Harry and another guy. By the time we were done, I was drunk.

"Let's go upstairs!" Bella yelled. I followed her upstairs to a blue room. It was neat and organized.

"I'm going to go get some water, love. I'll be back", Bella left the room and I sat down on the bed.

"Hello beautiful", I turned around and seen Harry. What was he doing here?

"Hey Harry", I slurred. "What are ya doin in here?" I asked, my vision was beginning to blur.

"I came to get what I wanted these past three months. Once I want something, I get it." He said with a smirk. I began to run towards the door, realizing what was happening.

I tried to open the door but it was locked. Harry turned me around and pinned my body against the door.

"Stop! Please! Niall! Bella!" I yelled and begged Harry to stop his actions against me.

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