When You See the Lair and Meet the Bros

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You walk down towards the lair with Leo. You didn't question it being in the sewers and you also pretended you didn't smell anything. You honestly thought it was clever to hide in the sewers to get away from the people, though.

"Don't worry, it looks way better once you actually see it," he said. 

After a not so long amount of walking, you finally peer into a cozy looking room. It had a TV, a couch, and beanbags. There was another turtle like Leo that was sitting in one beanbag, reading a comic. He had a red bandanna. There was a orange bandanna one that was sitting on the couch playing video games. There was also a giant rat walking into the room. He wore a kimono and had a green stick about half the size of himself. Leo walked in front of me and bowed his head in respect to the rat. 

"Hi, Sensei. Um, this is (y/n)," Leo stepped backwards and put a hand on your back. You waved slightly.

"Ah, yes. The girl you've been talking about. Hello, I'm Hamato Yoshi, but you can call me Splinter," Splinter said. You bowed your head respectfully like Leo had done and smiled at him.

"So, (y/n). These are two of my brothers. Raph and Mikey," Leo pointed to them while he said their names. Raph barely looked up from his comic book and mumbled something about 'remember last time you brought a girl here?' and looked back down. Mikey paused his video game and jumped up from the couch smiling really big. 

"Yay! Another human friend! High three!" he practically yelled. He held his hand up and you decided to high five/three him. 

"Okay, over here is Donnie's lab," Leo said bringing me to a scientist room. Beside a purple bandanna turtle sat a red headed girl with both back turned towards us. 

"April?" I asked. She turned around and looked from me to Leo, then back to me. She smiled and walked over in front of me.

"Hey, (y/n). I see you have found my 'secret' friends," she said. You laughed with her.

"So this is the place you've been going off to?" you asked her.

"Yeah, sorry I couldn't tell you," she frowned.

"No problem. I get why now," you replied shifting your weight to your left foot.

"This is Donnie," Leo said pointing to the purple bandanna turtle. The turtle's head perked up at his name. He must've been too much into his 'experiment' or whatever he was doing with April. Donnie turned around.

"Oh, hi," he smiled sheepishly to you and waved. You waved back.


When you finally got to their lair, he introduced you to everyone. Leo- the blue bandanna turtle who Raph said was too perfect, Donnie- the purple bandanna turtle that Raph said was too smart, and Mikey- the orange bandanna turtle who Raph said was too annoying. 

"So, which one are you?" you ask Raph, sitting on their couch with him.

"I'm the hot one," he smirked.

"No objections," you mutter.

"What was that?" he asked putting his hand to his 'ear'.

"Nothing. You have really bad ears, Raph," you reply trying to hide your blush.

"Whatever," he said still smirking. "So tell me about yourself." He put one elbow on the head of the seat, turning towards you. You told him all about your family and your favorite things to do. You also told him you loved to go to the gym late at night during the weekends and workout. Apparently, you two had a lot in common. You both loved to workout, and punch bullies in the face. You two both had a lot of sarcasm as well, and before you knew it, you two were having full blown conversation.


You two got to the lair and Donnie introduced his brothers. He thought of them as inarticulate (which means dumb) except for Leo. He was very open-minded. After that, you went to Donnie's lab and you totally did not fan girl over all the scientific stuff in there. (you did) 

"Is that a 40X-1000X Biology Science Metal Glass Student Microscope with USB Digital Camera???" you asked looking at it, amazed. Donnie chuckled. 

"Sure is," he said smiling, while showing off his adorable gap tooth.

"I've always wanted one of these!" you laughed. He followed you around his lab as you named stuff, him chuckling at your sudden burst of happiness. Soon you were out of breath and had named everything in there, either out loud or in your head. 

"Hey, you wanna see something really cool?" he asked standing in front of a garage door. You nodded and smiled.

"You know I do," you said. He opened the door.

"I made a subway car into a car," he said. 

"Sweet Mother of Banker Horses!" you said. (that's my saying lol) You thought it was really hot that he was a mechanic, too. You knew he was a mutant, but you could still be his friend. Well, as long as your mom didn't know....


You two got to the lair. You gasped as you saw everything in it. It was just like your typical home, but with a strong pizza smell. It made you hungry.

"Right?" Mikey said.

"Yeah, this is really cool, Mikey!" you say still amazed. He introduced you to his brothers. He said that Leo was really cool, Raph was the hothead, and Donnie was weird. He said that Donnie did technically nothing but stay in his lab all day. You got to know each other and found out that you both liked: video games, skateboarding, pizza, TV, etc., etc. He was really cool!

"Wanna play video games?" he asked.

"Awesome!" you answer. 

(Sorry Mikey's is very short. I didn't want them to hang out yet, because that's for next chapter.) 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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