The Meeting

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(Error is 16 E,F,G=Boy
Fresh is 14 I=Girl
Geno is 9
And Ink is 16)
Ink is a neko

"Error! Don't do this. If so, you'll die! And also Ink!" "ShUt Up YoU pIeCe Of TrAsH!" Error said with venom in his voice. "AnD WhY, aNd WhEn WoUlD i EvEr CaRe AbOuT InK?" "Oh~ you will soon. Just give it time and you'll find something your not really expecting.... just wait and see, just wait and see~"
*SLASH* "No No No PlEaSe DoN't Ki-lL..... m-E."
                 <Error's POV>

"AhHhHhHh!!!" I screamed at the top of my nonexistenting lungs. *huff huff* "It WaS jUsT a NiGhTmArE eRrOr... *huff* YoU'lL nEvEr EVER lIkE tHiS iNk FeLlA!?" *knock knock* "he-hey Error. It's time to wake up. A-and mom said to-to help with cle-cleaning today. Ok? Bro, yo-you there?" "Ya Ya GeNo, I'lL bE rIgHt DoWn! JuSt GiVe Me 10 MiNs Ok?" "O-o-ok Error, just don't take as long as Fr-fresh does." "YO I HEARD THE GEN-BRO! Why does everyone has to be so unfresh to me?" "So-sorry Fr-fresh. I wa-was just joking. Hehe. But o-ok Error." "ByE gEnO." Man it seems Geno's shuddering problem is getting better. I hope he gets over his fear, it's not as easy as mine. *sigh* Lets just hope today goes better.

                           <tem skip>

"Ok FrEsH yOu Go Do ThE tRaSh." "Why do I have to do the trash?" "BeCaUeS, tHaTs WhErE yOu BeLoNg, YoU DiRtY pArAdItE." (I flipping HATE IT it when people call Fresh a parasite and I don't know why?) Ouch, that hurted me so~ badly. Bleh~" "Er-Error you know what mom said a-about you picking on Fr-Fresh." "Ya Ya I kNoW yOu LiTtLe CiNnAmOn RoLl." "Sh-sh-shut up you-you, you gli-gli-glitch. *gasp* I-I'm so-so sor-sorry Error I was ju-" "HeY hEy It'S oK. wE aLl MaKe MiStAkEs. AnD i DoN't BlAmE yOu. We WeRe AlL mAkInG fUn Of EaCh OtHeR." "Ya brah. But ya still a just smol rad cinnamon roll. That's all." "F-f-fresh no-not you t-to."
Gosh Geno is so cute when he is flustered. Hehe man I'm so lucky he's my brother. Fresh, not to much. Hehe, I'm joking. Even though I might be mean to him. I still love him. "So LiKe I sAiD, fReSh TrAsH, gEnO uMm, WhAt AbOuT vAcUuMiNg?" "Ya-ya I'll do it." "Ok, So ThEn I'lL jUsT dO tHe DiShEs ThEn." "ThReE, tw-two, one. GO!"

So I ran to the kitchen, Fresh to the pantry, and Geno went to the closet. Geno got the easiest this, Fresh not to hard, and well I'm the oldest so, I got the dishes. But what you don't know is that every time we have to do the dishes, there's a mountain of dishes. You have no IDEA on how much 3 teenage boys can eat in 5 days. But well someone has to do this. "WeLl, TiMe To CoNqUeR yOu MoUnTaIn Of DiShEs." You might be wondering why we are doing the chores and our mom isn't helping. Well, she all ready does enough for us. She works for about 14 hours a day. And that's on the weekends. And the weekdays we are lucky to see before she goes to work. We'll normally will just wake up, eat breakfast and then get ready for the day. And our mom is already out of the house by the time we're up. She can't really be home unless it's for sleep or food. So she really isn't home much. She works at a 90's shop, substitute teacher, and a pharmacist. Ya I know, that's A LOT! But she somehow manages all of that.

Brought to you by a lazy author that can't think, and TEM FLAKES>

<going to hell - cough cough school>

We were walking to school, and well, I wanted to have some fun so!"CoMe On YoU tO. OH! GeNo DoN't FoRgOt YoUr LuCkY pEnNy." I handed Geno his so called 'lucky penny'. He's had it since he was 3. He found it at the town creek. "AnD FrEsH.... DoN't RuN iNtO FeLl. PlEaSe. I rEaLlY dOn'T wAnT tO gO hOmE hAvInG tHe PoLiCe ChAsInG mE fOr MuRdEr Ok." I rubbed his head purposely making his hat fall off. "Brah! That is seriously uncool Glichy pal." Fresh picked up his hat, then flicked me one my cranium (forehead) "Ok FrEsH. yOu HaVe FIVE fLiPpInG sEcOnDs BeFoRe I kIlI yOu. OnE...TwO...THREEFOURFIVE" Fresh was all ready running by the time I said one. So I ran after him. I think I heard Geno say something like 'really guys'. I had a quick glance behind me to see Geno started to run after us. But before I could call out to Fresh, I ran into something. Or should I say someone. "Oww~ I'm so sorry I wa-" I saw a white skeleton with a little splatter of ink on their right cheek, with a star in one eye and the other one was just a circle. She was also wearing one of those hats that artist wear. And also a big scarf that was almost touching the ground. Her glaze and mine met, it was like I was starring into a void of emotions. It was like I could see into the past, present and future. I could see all of the AUs ever made. I think I was floating and then I felt someone shake me. "E-error, ar-are you ok!?" Geno said well shaking me like I was a bottle of Yohoo. (#notsponsored) "UgH yA i'M oK. uM eXcUsE mE, uM aRe YoU oK?" I ask the stranger, and then they stood up and said "Ya, ya. I'm ok. I'm so sorry for bumping into you. Hehe." Then I just noticed that all of our things were all over the sidewalk. "No No YoUr FiNd I sOuLd Of WaTcHeD wHeRe I wAs GoInG. Oh AnD mY nAmE iS ErRoR." Then I got up and started to pick up my things. "Nice name. I'm Ink. I was just about to start walking to school." "Oh ReAlLy!? Me To, Me AnD mY bRoThErS wErE wAlKiNg AnD wElL... yOu KnOw ThE rEsT." Geno was helping Ink and I pick up our stuff. Ink's and my hand accidentally touched, it was like the hand of an angle. It was so soft and gentle. "Brahs, y'all ok? You were chasing meh and then stop. Everything wiggy ok- ohhhhh so you found a new girlf-" Before he could say anymore, I covered his mouth with my strings. And then mumbled I so only he can hear, "FiNiSh ThAt SeNtEnCe AnD yOuR dEaD iN lEsS tHeN 2.5 sEcOnDs. OK!" Fresh shook his head so fast that I thought he got whiplash. I took off my strings and then apologized to Ink about Fresh as we stared to walking again. "I'm SoRrY aBoUt FrEsH. hE's SoMeThInG eLeS." "Oh no, it's ok. But, did you like give him a death threat or something. He looks like he's walking on pins and needles next to you." "No WhO wOuLd SaY tHaT tHeY'lL kIlL tHeIr LiTtle BrOtHer." "I was just saying." So the rest over the walk was just small talk, but then I noticed that something under Ink's hat. I think she noticed I was looking at it, then adjusted it. But for the rest it asking questions to one one another.

<The Front of School>

Me and Ink were walking in the walls. And surprisingly Ink's and my locker were right next to each other. So then she must be new. No one ever had that locker. Everyone who did get it got switch because they were scared of me. Let's just say I don't have the best reputation in this school. So everyone was just staring at Ink in amazement. By now I would yell at them or something like that. But I was just talking to her like if I were normal. Then we heard a scream,"AHHHHH!" It sounded like Fresh. So I ran to the 8th grade hallway and Ink followed. I saw Fresh being hit in the ribs. And I also saw some cracked bones on his legs and his head had a big crack in it. I then saw Nightmare, Dust, Killer and Horror around Fell who was beating Fresh. I was so angry that I screamed at the top of me non existing lungs. "YOU BETTER HAVE A VERY GOOD EXPLANATION FOR THIS FELL!" I shot my strings at him. He was now dangling 10 feet in the air. I had his soul in another set of strings. He's mouth was covered by even more strings as I was squeezing his soul. His soul started cracking. *CRACK* No one dared to stop me because they know that this will happen to them as well. His soul was full of cracks and was about to burst. Then Ink ran up to me grabbing ahold on my humorous as everyone gasped. "ERROR LET GO! HE'S GOING TO DIE, IF YOU DON'T LET GO FOR HIS SAKE DO IT FOR ME!" Ink was trying to stop me, but my vision was blurry. And I could bearly hear him. But then the next thing I know all I see was blackness and I felt like I hit the floor. I could hear a bunch of gasps and wishers. Then I felt sleepy and started to fall asleep.

<Ink's P.O.V>

I was trying to make Error stop but he was started glitching, and badly. And this so called 'Fell' was screaming out in pain. So I did the only thing I could do. I knocked Error out. I know I know that's not really 'lady like' but what was I supposed to do! Just watch him KILL someone. IN A SCHOOL! So then I grabbed Error bridal style, then said,"Is someone going to help me!?" Then a skeleton with star eyes, some amour like cloths and a blue scarf/handkerchief. (Can you guess who it is) "I th-the Mafnificent Sa-Sans will help-p you!" "Um, why are you stuttering?" "O-oh n-n-no r-reason. Hehe" Ok so he helped me and one that had a little crown on her head, and had a teal shirt and shorts. Also a yellow cape and boots. (We are the Star Sans, and we'll always save the day. And if you think we can't. We'll always find a way. That's why every universe believes in, Ink, Blueberry, Dream, and Frisk the human. Sorry not sorry)"I-I'll help you." "Thanks you. I really appreciate it." I smiled at them, and they smiled back. But I could tell they were fake. So then I grabbed Error, Blue grabbed Fell and Dream grabbed Fresh. We brought them to the nurse, and after that Blue and Dream left. "Bye guys!" We all waved at each other then they ran to wherever they were going. But the nurse wasn't here so I looked around and I saw no one was there. So I grabbed one of my small paintbrushes and I started with Fresh because he was the most injured. But before I started with Fresh I gave Fell a little bit of my magic so I know for sure his soul won't keep on creaking. But I cleaned Fresh's bone with a rag. By the time I was done cleaning him, the rag and a little of my hand were covered in his bone marrow. But I put the tag in the sink and then got three more rag and wetted them with cold water. And put them on all over their heads. I started to walk to Fresh to tend to his wounds, but I heard someone stir. I turned around and saw Error move his arm and head. He said mumble something like 'no, no I won't' and 'don't go, please'. But I gave a little of my magic to him and I saw his eye (sockets?) fluttered open. He saw me and touched his head and said,"Am I iN hEaVeN? BeCaUsE i ThInK I SeE aN aNgLe." I blushed like crazy. You could probably see every neon color on my face right now. "E-error, th-this isn't-t he-heaven. It's real li-life." He sat up, looked at me and said,"BuT tHeRe Is No WaY sOmEoNe Is ThIs PrEtTy." I just walked out of the room and went grabbed an extra pillow and screamed into it. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... AHHHHH AH AH AH AHHHH!" I put the pillow back and told Error to go back to bed and he layed down and fell asleep. I then tend to Fresh's wounds. I painted over the cracks and then the paint and bone started to bind together. Then after a minute I tapped the paint to see if harden yet. And it went thug thug thug when I tapped it. So that mean it's bone know. And I gave a little of my magic to Fresh so he could wake up quicker. Then as I was giving his some magic. The nurse walked in and had a shock look on her face. I was starting to feel dizzy and I guess I passed out. I guess I used to much magic.

2241 words!
Ok so this is one chapter. And if y'all want me to go on, then just saying the comments. But I will make at less one more chapter. And ya, I want to see y'all opinion.

*~Mini out~*

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