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                        <Ink's POV>

Sigh today was just my FIRST day here, and it is already crazy. I got my first crush, friend, bully, nurse visit, and so much more. But, now it's time to go home. I glanced at the clock on the wall in the nurse's office. It was 5 minutes until school is out. And 10 minutes until all hell breaks lose. But, I just have to wait.

                          (3 POV)
5 minutes later

The bell rung, the thing Ink was dreading for. She walked over to her locker and grabbed some of her books, so she can catch up on the stuff she missed.

She started to walk outside, but she tripped over an old skateboard.

She quickly grabbed her stuff, and started to run home. After she realized that she loses 2 minutes already.

She stopped at her house, or what she likes to call it, a dungeon.

She walked in, put her shoes by the door. Hoping her brother, sister, and dad aren't home. She started to make dinner. Mac & Cheese. She was hoping it didn't get burnt. But, this is a fan-fic. Things never go as planned. So a little got burnt at the bottom. She wasn't suppose to burn the food. And those were the only noodles.

She started to hear keys jingle, and the door get unlocked. Her dad is home. She was trying to quickly move her school stuff.

When he got into the door, he had a bad look on his face. He wasn't happy, but he never really is. He walked over to Ink, and she close her eyes. He brought his hand up high above his hand. She started to shake, nervous as to what he's going to do.

He brought he's hand down.


Gave her a white rose.

She smiled and laughed. And that brought a smile to he's face as well. And they both began to laugh. Ink put the rose into a vase of other roses. "Haha, thanks dad, I don't think I ever got a white on." "Heh, your welcome. Now, where is dinner. You didn't burn it this time?"

Ink flinched, she knew she burn a little. But she didn't tell him. Just stayed still.

He just sighed.

"Ink, you knows what happens when you burn it." "Yes sir."

Just then Ink's siblings walked into the door. "Come on Paint, you got to do it last time." "Ya, but I got home first. And you know the rules Esa. (E- sa) You snooze, you lose. Hehe."

All of them started to walk over to Ink. With their hands held high. Then their hands came down and,

Gave her a pat on the back.

"It's ok, we all had trouble cooking. Paint can't even get close." "HEY!" "It's true." "You guys are so kind."

They all. Got up and went go and eat their food/supper/dinner. Fell asleep, and stayed sleeping all night.

Sorry I was going to make this chap serious, but I just ended up making if not serious. I'm sorry.

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