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"what house do you think I'll be in?"

     "Well i don't really know, you have certain qualities fit for each house but everyone does. But I strongly think you'd like it in Gryffindor, after all you were a Wampus in your time in Ilvermorny." The man in the portrait, Lancelot, said.

     "I am actually leaning on Hufflepuff at the moment." I thought out loud.

     "Hufflepuff?" The man exclaimed as if it was the funniest thing in the whole world. "You're not serious are you?"

     I glared at him. "No I'm Ellie," I retorted sarcastically.

     "I can deal without the sarcasm, Knight."

     "Well you don't need to talk ill about Hufflepuff, they're actually good finders."

     "Yes, but they have a very crappy seeker."

     I couldn't help but laugh at that. "Well which house do you think have the best seeker then?"

     "Definitely Gryffindor," he smirked making me roll my eyes. "I swear that Potter kid is one of the best seekers in the whole Hogwarts history! Too bad he'll be chaser this year."

     "Well, how do you know that?"

     "I have portraits around the school! I can hear them right now as we speak."


     "Which reminds me that you need to be at the Great Hall right now," he said nodding his head at the process.

     "Fine," I breathed out, I really didn't want to end that conversation. "How do I get there?"

     "Just turn left on that turn and straight on to the big door," I nodded my head at this and said 'thank you' before going out.

• • •


     The hat bellowed while I stood at the end of the line, waiting patiently for my turn to be sorted.

     "FLINT, Ryan"


     "WARRINGTON, Elladora"


     "KNIGHT, Ellie"

     I breathed out a sigh of relief as McGonagall finally announced my name. FUCKING FINALLY!

     I carefully made way in front of the line to get to the stool, muttering 'sorry' to every person I shoved.

     The hat was finally on my head as all eyes were on me.

     'hmmm I can sense a bit of wit in you.... But not Ravenclaw. Wampus ey? I must say Ilvermorny had shaped you in a good way... Best be, GRYFFINDOR!"

     I smiled at the hat's choice and could possibly hear Lancelot saying 'i told you so' in the corridors as I walked to the house of red and gold. I sat the farthest from the first years who got sorted here before me, which made me sit beside a guy with messy dark hair and glasses.

     I gave him a sweet smile as I stuck out my hand, "hi my name is Ellie Knight."

     "I know," I raised my eyebrow at him. "I mean, I heard McGonagall said your name and yea..." He trailed off as he blushed furiously, making me giggle. "I'm James Potter," he said.

     "The Gryffindor seeker?"

     "How did you know?"

     "This guy in a portrait named Lancelot told me, but he said you were going to be chaser this year?"


     "Good, cause I'm trying out as seeker." I smirked.

     A cough made the both of us turn to the boys seated across from us. "Would you want to introduce us, James?" The one with black hair said.

     "Right," James said. "This is-"

     "Sirius Orion Black, milady." He said while bowing his head. I smiled at the gesture before turning my attention to the one with scars.

     "I'm Remus Lupin," he said, taking out his hand which I shaked. "And that's Peter Pettigrew," he gestured to the slightly chubby boy next to him.

     "Its nice to meet all of you," I said sincerely.

     "The pleasure is all ours, love." James said, smiling warmly at me.

INSUFFERABLE 〽 JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now