Just another guy?

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Rosy POV

School. One of life's nightmares, but the fact is you can't wake up from it. You just have to get on with it. Goddamnit.

My best skill in school is the ability to go unnoticed. Sup I'm Rosy but everyone calls me Ro. I have brown hair and blue-'grey eyes, weird I know but that's me, Rosy McBride, ordinary teenager. I have two best friends who I would totally die for. They are pretty much my family since I only have my dad. My mum walked out on us when I was five and I gave up hope that she was ever gonna come back to us when I was twelve now I'm 17 and my "Life is just beginning" as my best friend Lucy is constantly reminding me . I really should get out of bed now, you know, 'cause I have school an' all.

I got out of bed and went to my bathroom, had a quick shower and got dressed in black skinny jeans and a purple turtle neck. I didn't have time for breakfast. I dragged a brush through my slighty damp hair and-


Holy crap the bus! I can't miss the bus cause then I have no ride to school. Dads already away to work  and its too late to call Lucy or Aideen.

Run stupid run! my brain yelled at me. I hate it when she's right, I thought as I sprinted down the stairs and out the door.

I made it. Just about said my brain. But it's not my fault I slept in, I had a stupid essay to finish for my stupid teacher in  my least favourite class - English. God, I suck at English. If it wasn't for Lucy I would definitely fail.

No seats. Perfect! Wait, there's one but I would rather be pulled along behind the bus by my hair then sit in that seat, next to him and his friends. Nuh uh no way. Maybe when when hell freezes over?

Nope, not even then.


                                              Chapter Two

Kasey's POV

"Hey man", said Luke. He's been my best friend since nursery. A lot of crap has happened to us over the years but through it all he was there. Then there was Aaron, my other best friend. He was a real ladies man, I mean, the longest he knew a girl before sleeping with her was what, a weekend?

But Luke on the other hand? No way dude. He was as into relationships  as me. As far as we were concerned,  girls are good for one thing - arm candy.

I grab a heart, hold it, then crush it. That's my style and always will be.

"Hey, look who just got on the bus", Aaron said to me. "Who?", I replied. "Her." He pointed to a girl at the front of the bus looking for a seat. This is gonna be fun.

Rosy's pov

Kasey Archer. The schools top bad boy gestured to a seat beside him and his mates way at the back of the bus. I shook my head then he got up and started walking towards me.

"Hello beautiful", he said with a smirk.

"My name's Rosy", I said with no expression but I could feel myself turning pink. Why do I have to turn pink when a boy talks to me? Him of all people, the leader of the bad boys. All it does is boost his ego.

He saw me blush and stepped closer. I moved back and ducked my head.

"I see you need a seat. There's a perfectly good one beside me.

Come on! "

Before I could object, he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the back. I sat down and he sat down beside me, all his friends crowded in too.

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