Chapter 12

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Rosys POV

Im sitting talking to Lucy and Aideen at the lockers before first period. She going on about a new lipstick colour she got. Now I love lipstick and all nut you cant have a conbersation about it for twenty minutes.

"Whats wrong with you today? You seem out of it, like your somewhere else?" Aideen asked noticing I wasnt involved in the conversation. Im just nor in the mood today for anynody or anything. I miss my dad and life is boring. "Im fine." I said flatly back to her. The first bell went  signalling we had to make our way to class. I grabbed my bag and headed off with Aideen and Lucy close behind.

We sat in our usual seat in the corner at the back of the class room ther is always a apare seat beside us because there is only twenty seven in class. We took out our history books and Mrs White came in with a student I had never seen before. He was tall well built with brown hair that dangled over his bright green eyes. He was cute. He had his backpack slung loosely over on shoulder.

He wore a blue long sleeved to shirt with black jeans that hugged his waist perfectly. His eyes met mine and he gave a half smile that gave me butterflies in my stomach.

"Attention class the is James Williams and he will be joining the class so make him feel welcome. James there is a seat beside Rosy there." she point to the empty seat beside me. He crossed the room catching the attention of nearly every girl.  He sat beside me and Mrs White gave him an exercise book. " Oh dear, I dont have anymore textbooks. You will have to share with Rosy." she said quickly then walked off.

"Hey im James, and your Rosy." He said in a very smooth voice, looking me directly in the eye.

" Yeah thats me. Um I just gonna get my textbook." I bent over to get my textbook from my bag and looked over at Lucy to see her smiling and raising her eyebrows suggestively at me. I quickly sat realising im wearing a skirt. I opened the book and moved closer to James so he could see. I could smell his aftershave. It was musky yet fresh. Yummy, ok did I just think that. Calm down. I could feel the blush creeping up my neck. I looked away.

"Are you ok? Your are very warm." I only realised he had moved his desk to beside mine and our arms were touching.  Ok my face is offically red. "Uh yeah im fine just a bit warm." I looked down but I could feel his sparkling green eyes looking at me. He looked back up at Mrs White.

"Class I have a project set for you it will be on the reign of King Arthur. I have put the different topics in this bowl." she said holding up a clear nowl with little pieces of paper folded up. "You or your partner will pick out a topic and write a report, make and present a powerpoint or preform it in front of the class in three weeks time. Your partmers are

Aideen with Mark,

Lucy with Luke,

Sophia with Kasey,

Aaron with Erin,

Chole with Rebecca."

As she went through the list I saw peoples faces light up if they got a friend as their partner and their faces drop if the didnt get a friend or nerd.

"Rosy with James and Michael with Ashley.  Pair up with your partners and use your textbook to make notes. You have thirty minutes until class ends so you should have plenty done by then. I will be round checking. Now get started."

She started calling up partners to give them their topics. Lucy came back down with Luke and she just groaned. " Its not that bad right?" I asked Lucy seeing her face. She looked up at me and gave me and are you kidding me face. Luke laughed at her expression. "We got sports of Camelot. Ugh." she put her head on the table. Mrs White called James and I up next.

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