Chapter 3

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August 21, 2013

Hello journal, my name is Oliver Phillip Ford. My friends used to call me Ollie, but right now I have no friends. Yesterday, my family and I moved to a small town called Pine Hills, Washington. It's nice here, a lot better than Chicago. And prettier. But the reason I'm having a hard time getting used to living here is because all of my friends are back in Chicago, and now I don't know anyone but my parents and my older sister, who's in college in South Carolina. This small town is better than Chicago. No gangs, no shootings thrice a day, and no crowded streets or dinky apartments. But I know next to nothing about this little town. My mom told me to keep this journal to help me get through the move, and I'm fine with it, until I get to know some other kids, at least.

August 22, 2013

Today I got bored wandering around and completing side quests on my old copy of majora's mask, so I decided to ride my bike around town. I like this place, actually. It's nice. Maybe a mile down the road from my house is the middle of town. Down there are all the commercial buildings, a liquor store, a few gas stations, local coffee shops, etc. but what I found most interesting was a comic book store. Inside, there were obviously a lot of comic books, but there were also older games from systems and handhelds that have been discontinued for at least 6 years. Gamecube, playstation, etc. but what caught my eye was a copy of the legend of zelda: link's awakening. I was amazed. It was an original copy of link's awakening. NOT THE DX REMAKE! You can tell how excited and surprised I was to find an old green and grey like this just by reading this. I pedaled home to get 20 bucks, and pedaled even faster back to that dinky little comic book store in the center of town.

August 23, 2013

Last night I practically slammed the game pak into my red game boy color. (I don't have an original gameboy, and my gba sp is too small for my 15 year old hands) I got to he moblin hideout and completed the trading sequence before I finally fell asleep at 3:00. (It's summer, I'll do what I want at night). I had seen link's awakening on eBay before, but the bids were always ridiculous, and now I got it for 18 bucks! I'll play more today, for sure. School starts on the 2nd. I wonder if there will be other kids who'll think this is cool.

September 2, 2013

Today was the first day of school, and I, being the new kid, played the role of that unfamiliar guy who no one knows. There seem to be other people in my school like me, but I didn't say hi or introduce myself because I wouldn't have known what to do. I've never been a "new kid" before, and it's going to take some adjusting to.

October 23, 2013

I know it's been a long time since my last entry, but since then, I've had a bunch of crap going on. Homework, tennis practice, et frickin cetera. I have a few friends now too, Andrew Davis and Dale Hartley. They're cool, we talk about stuff that no one else really cares about, but keeps us entertained. Last week Dale asked me if there were a lot of dolphins at the shedd aquarium back in Chicago. Things like that happen all the time with him. And sometimes Andrew just zones out and stares into space. My new friends are weird, but cool. We signed up to be part of the "team" --as the school calls it-- to build the sophomore homecoming float as a joke. We plan on covering our float with starfish, despite the theme being "red carpet". But homecoming is tomorrow and we need to get working on the float this afternoon. I drift off a lot, don't I? Well I can't sit in my room writing all day, I have to get walking. School starts in 15 minutes, and in study hall, I have some cardboard starfish to cut out.

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