Little birdy

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Early the next morning you were awakened by your ringtone, leaning over to the source of the noise, you found that Seon Hee was calling. You scrambled to sit up and answered the phone eagerly, "hello?"

"Y/n?" Seon Hee asked, you mumbled in response and she continued, "Get the boys up, get them breakfast and get to the main building. They have practice at 10." With that she hung up and you looked at the time, noticing it was 6 o'clock in the morning. Maybe you should set an alarm from now on.

As you moved out of bed you trudged down the hallway banging on each door once as you made your way towards the bathroom. As you banged on the last door, Jackson stumbled out of that said room in his pajama's, a confused look on his tired face. "Time to get up," you smiled at him as he pouted.

"I barely had any sleep," he mumbled, turning around and trudging back into his room. As you turned to enter the bathroom to take a shower, you bumped into a solid figure. You stumbled backwards a little but the figure grabbed your arm to stable you, a chuckle escaping his lips. "Are you okay?" Yugyeom asked, a smile gracing his lips as he rubbed a towel on his wet hair.

He had his clothes on but his shirt was a little damp on his chest, his collarbones glistening. You gulped and looked up at his face, "I'm fine, are you done in there?"

He looked back to the bathroom then to you, "yeah. I'll get the boys up while you're showering." You smiled in thanks and moved towards the bathroom when he reached for your arm and stopped you again. "You should bring your change of clothes in there with you, you don't want the boys to see you wandering around in just a towel, do you?"

A blush ran up your neck and onto your cheeks, "um, no. I-I don't." You looked up at Yugyeom who was looking at you with a little smile on his face, so you turned and made your way back to your room to retrieve a change of clothes.

In the hallway, Yugyeom glanced at you, then your change of clothes, then back at you. "For your sake only," he smiled at you before going into his room and leaving you to shower.

Only for my sake?


In the shower you tried to be as quick as you could, washing your hair then scrubbing your body clean. No time for thoughts about the universe or meanings to life, just a quick soap and rinse.

As you turned the water off, you heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Give me a minute!"

Stepping out of the shower you grabbed your towel and dried off, quickly pulling your clothes on and tying your hair up in order to keep your clothes dry. As you threw open the door in order for the next person to use the bathroom you stopped immediately as you found Jackson clad in only basketball shorts before you.

Your eyes went to his abs before immediately reverting back to his eyes in embarrasment and so as to not look like you were checking him out, which you totally were. He made a sound almost recognisable as a squeal of embarrasment and used his towel to cover his chest.

"Sorry about that," Jackson smiled shyly and you chuckled a little.

"It's fine, just um get in there and shower," with this you left him to shower and made your way down to the kitchen to cook the breakfast for the boys. You found Yugyeom, Mark and JB in the main room watching a KDrama that you just so happened to like as well.

"Good morning," Mark called over to you as you walked past to go to the kitchen.

"Oh hi (y/n)," JB quipped as he noticed you as well. Yugyeom however simply smiled over at you, which you returned.

"Hey guys, anything you specifically want for breakfast?" You asked, leaning on the door frame as the boys narrowed their eyebrows in thought.

"Just rice and banchan would be ok, right?" Mark asked, looking to the boys and then to you. As soon as you saw JB and Yugyeom nod in approval, you nodded and made your way to the kitchen to begin cooking.


After everyone had finished eating you moved all the dishes to the dishwasher and realised you had twenty minutes before you had to be at the main building for practice.

"Come on guys, we have to get into the car now," you beckoned everyone into the van and hopped into the drivers seat. JB was seated beside you with the rest of the members in the back, joking and laughing with each other.

"Was this morning ok for you?" JB looked over to you as you set off down the driveway towards the main road.

"Yeah, I was expecting it to be a little more hectic but you guys are pretty chill," you nodded, smiling at his concern.

"You know, a little birdy told us you were checking out a shirtless Jackson this morning," JB laughed, his eyes closing and his mouth opening wide.

A blush crawled up your neck, "I wasn't checking him out, and he covered himself up before I could even see anything."

"Your blush says otherwise," you sucked your teeth and shook your head at his words.

"I didn't check him out." You tried to remain stoic, but the blush threw off your nonchalant look.

"Yes you did!" Jackson called from the back of the car, earning a few giggles from the boys.

"Jackson, there was nothing to check out anyways." You bit, refraining from laughing at your own joke as the boys burst into laughter whilst Jackson pouted and slumped down in his chair. He certainly did have something that you could checkout but you'd rather no one knew that.

"Little birdy, 0 and (y/n) 1," Yugyeom cheered.

A/N; I actually can't express how tired I was whilst writing this chapter. But you know what, at least people are actually reading the story now, thank god. Once again I have not proof read so please relate to me and my exhaustion. Please vote & comment!

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