Her Parents

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Simon's POV :3

Enjoy! X

The gig is over and we're all absolutely buzzing. Nick and Rick immediately head off to go and get pissed and Whitey complains of being tired so leaves for our knackered tour bus.

Peanut taps my shoulder, pointing over at Delilah who is standing next to a taller, slightly older looking woman. The two of them share many similarities.

"Simon!" Delilah leaves the woman with electric blonde hair to throw herself into my arms, clinging onto me like a sloth does to a tree branch.

"Did you enjoy the gig?" I query, kissing her forehead gently.

"It was great."

"Better than the others?"

She nods and laughs into my shirt, "Your hair is all sweaty."

I put her down on the floor. "Thanks."

"And stinky."

"Aren't you just full of compliments today?" I say sarcastically before switching my attention to the other woman.

Delilah notices my confusion and takes my hand, leading me to the woman. "This is Sian, my big sister." Sian sticks out a hand and I shake it.

"Delilah has told me a lot about you." Sian says, hands on hips.

I can see Peanut waving goodbye from the corner of my eye, presumably joining Whitey in the tour bus.

"Only the good stuff I hope." I awkwardly chuckle.

Sian shrugs which doesn't fill me with confidence if I'm honest.

Delilah drags her hand down her skirt, "Your hands are all sweaty too. You need to shower." She orders, smelling her hand and grimacing.

I know I need to shower but there's no shower in the tour bus. We shower at service stations or gyms and swimming pools if we can get in without payment of membership. Many places are kind enough to let us to use the facilities but some turn us away and we've found that in Manchester people are not as friendly as they are in Yorkshire, meaning I probably won't be able to wash for a good couple of days.

I explain my predicament to Delilah.

"That's an easy problem to solve," she begins, "just come back with us and use the shower at my parents'."

Before I can argue or share my thoughts on the situation, Delilah is dragging me out of the club and into her sister's BMW. Apparently Delilah was going to walk home but Sian refused to let her be alone at this time of night. They have a good relationship, and you can tell a lot about a person if they have good relationships with their siblings.

"Will your parents mind?" I speak up after quickly messaging Peanut to tell him where I am.

We're are staying in Manchester until tomorrow tea time, so there's no rush to leave.

Sian shakes her head from the driver's seat, "No. They're very friendly. You have nothing to worry about."

Delilah nods in agreement beside me. "There was no way in hell I was letting you reek out that tour bus."

"Trust me, the tour bus reeks already." I mutter, remembering Rick's aftershave and Peanut's cheese and onion sandwiches that stink of piss.

We reach an average area of Manchester with a row of three story terraced houses. Sian parks up beside the most attractive of them all.

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