chapter 1

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Leaning my head against the palm of my hand, I stare of into space, willing the last 5 minutes of Biology to end faster. It was the last period of the day, and I wanted to get home.

As if on que, the bell rang, and the students rushed out.

Sighing in relief, I begin to pack up my Totoro backpack, then say a farewell to my teacher. I leave one of my books out, so I could read it on the walk back home, and hug it close to my chest.

Once I get home, I'm going to go up to my room, flop down on my Pikachu bean bag, and finish reading my book. It's at such a wonderful part!! Jace had just gotten brainwashed by Sebastian; a.k.a Jonathan

Christopher Morgenstern. (A/N: To those who don't know what book this is, it's The Mortal Instruments. I highly recommend :3 )

Just as I was about to walk out the front doors of the school, my friend Arthur came running around the corner. "(Y/n), love!!"

Turning around, I give him a sweet smile. "Hello Artie. How are you?"

When he caught up to me, he smiled, and bowed down. "I'm quite well, thank you for asking love. Why were you leaving already? Did you forget that we were supposed to walk home together?"

Doing a mental facepalm, I sigh. I totally forgot....oi what kind of friend am I?

"My apologies, I did forget. You ready to go?" He nodded, and grasped my hand in his causing me to flush, and my eyes to widen to the size of saucers.

"W-W-What are you doing?!"

Bringing my hand to his face, he presses his lips to the top of it.

"Treating you the way ladies like yourself should be treated. If you don't like it, you can always move away love."

Still blushing, I turn my head to the side. I can't say I don't like it, but it's really embarassing.

Hand in hand, we head home, making small talk along the way.

It was a peaceful sunny day, weather that would bring anyone happiness. However, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. It felt as if eyes were on me the whole walk home, studying my every moves. Though, when I turned around to see if anyone or anything was there, I was rewarded with the landscape behind me.

There was nothing there.

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