chapter two

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Arthur was furrowing his brow and looking at me with confusion.

"What's wrong love? Is there something behind us?" He looks behind us as well, shrugging when he too didn't see anything.

I shake my head, and press myself closer to his frame. "It's nothing."

We arrive at my house much too soon. I wouldn't mind walking some more with my favorite Brit, but that couldn't be. He had to head home, and I had school work to do.

Saying our good byes, we each go our separate ways. Me into my house after unlocking it, and Arthur down the street to walk a couple more blocks to his own house.

Stepping into my tidy house, I remove my shoes by the doorway, and toss my bookbag to some foreign corner in the room.

I head upstairs to my bedroom, and flop down on my plush Totoro sheeted bed. Even though it felt homey, and comfortable, I still couldn't throw away the feeling of uneasiness. The feel of someones gaze watching me, burned into my soul, terrifying me.

Quickly I jump out of my bed, and throw the drapes of my windows close, and lock my door.

That should take that feeling away, right? No one can look in now, or get in for that matter.

However, the feeling still remained. Shivering, I stutter out in a weak voice, "I-Is anyone there?"

A deep chuckling voice echoed throughout my room, causing me to pale and scream.

"Who's there?!"

Thumping of footsteps are heard, and a terrifying teenage boy around my age give or take walked over to my side.

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