chapter 4

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the Doctor and his Wonderful T.A.R.D.I.S.~

Groaning, I slowing open my eyes. Ugh, my head really hurts.

I go to rub it, but find my arms unable to move.

I gasp and fling my eyes open to full length. My arms and legs are bound to some weird metal table, and I am currently in what appears to be a torture chamber.

The walls are a musty brown, and are torn and peeling, blood splatters cover the majority of it. Various forms of olden and modern torture devices scatter the premises. It looks like a scene from one of those horror films.

Struggling in my binds, I frantically try to break myself free.

The door suddenly opens to the side of me, letting out a large 'Screeech'

Gasping, my eyes widen, and I try to turn my face towards my guest.

"Well, well, well. It seems like my little lamb is awake. What a wonderful surprise."

I shriek, and struggle in my chain bindings again, trying to get away. He lets out a deep chuckle, and walks towards me, walking agonizingly slow.

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