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i was tagged by ARTEGUK (srsly one of my favorite mutuals on here!! so much love ❤) to show my drafts. i don't write using wattpad so i don't have those description thingies so i'm just gonna summarize kinda lol.

inspired-ish by the song what2do by dean. basically youngjae & jaebum are falling out of love but they're, like, afraid to break up...? they're also pussies & i hate their characters.


yoongi works at a hotel & hoseok is investigating a murder that happened there. because cop hoseok is such a fucking concept? my heart grew a boner. (i'll show myself out.)


basically bangtan + got7 + dynamic duo are detectives in the nypd. also block b + monsta x are criminals and such. (aka i watch too much brooklyn 99.)


1970 / KPOP
a seventies au + an american au. they all make mistakes. (block b + bangtan + got7 + crush + dean. plus other groups have cameos.)


i have like 100-ish drafts so i'm not gonna expose all of them so these are just the few i've been working on. i might publish one of these soon. stay tuned losers!


i'm not gonna tag anybody like usual but do this please if you read this! i need more things to read. :~)

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