Chapter 5 "What would i be doing on a Saturday?"

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As my dad said these words it made me bubble with curiosity, 'what could it be' 'is it something bad' all the thoughts going through my mind were stopped at once when I heard something behind me, I quickly snapped my head round to look for the mysterious noise,
"Dad what was that?"

My dad looked at me in curiosity, he obviously didn't hear it, "I don't know Pumpkin I didn't hear anything, but I wouldn't sweat it, it's probably just a squirrel or something"

'Hmm I'm not so sure, but oh well, like dad said it's best not to sweat it, I'll just make a mountain out of a mole hill'

As we reached the front door I raced my dad to the turtle that held our spare key in its shell, I got there first, not to boast or anything...

When I went to put the key in the lock I dropped it, 'Damn it' so I bent down to get it and I heard the noise again, but this time their was a flash associated with it, 'Okay this is now getting really creepy' after getting back up I unlocked the door and swiftly went inside, my dad following me, I wanted to get out of view as quickly as possible.

When we got inside I took my shoes off and plonked myself onto the sofa, my dad plonking himself down next to me, "So dad, what did you want to tell me?" I asked eager to know the answer.

"Well  Pumpkin, as you know.." he gave a sigh, " I haven't seen anyone since your mother and I haven't been interested in getting back into a relationship"

'Omg is he about to say what I think he is!!!' Eager to know more I pounced, "Yes!" I said eagerly.

He let out a small chuckle, "I've started seeing someone"

'YYYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS' I pretended like I wasn't doing a little victory dance in my head and played it cool, "Ssoooo.. who is she?, when did you meet?, how did you meet?, does she have any kids???" ...... 'Wow, way to play it cool Katy'

Again he let out a small chuckle, "Her name is Sara, we met about a month ago, we met at the video rental store where she works and yes she has a little girl called Amy who is 4" I think I could sense a small blush coming on, he obviously really liked this woman.

"Awe I'm really happy for you dad" I said beaming, "when do I get to meet her and Amy?" I asked eagerly.

"Well if you weren't busy, I was hoping tomorrow?" He said with anticipation, "We could go to the seafront and then go to the arcades or something"

It was my turn to let out a small chuckle, "Dad this is me we're taking about, what would I be doing on a Saturday?" I said to him sarcastically, and it was true, I mean seriously what would I be doing on a Saturday?

"So... you're in??" He said trying to study my facial expressions.

"Yes dad, I'm in, I'm really happy you are finally getting over mum" I said being completely honest, I really was, i know it hurts but time can heal everything I guess.

"Good, now go get ready for bed Pumpkin" he told me looking as if he was trying to hide his joy.

"Ok dad, night"I said standing up and then bending down to hug him.

"Night Pumpkin" he replied hugging me back.

I made my way up the stairs and went into my room, looked over at Deans window to see him still painting, 'God that boy never stops' I thought to myself shaking my head slowly. I looked back over to him and he was looking back at me, as we caught glances I smiled over at him and waved, he did the same back.

I quickly grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and started scribbling something down, a few seconds later I held the piece of paper up to the window, it said, "I'm gonna shut my curtains  and get changed now" I could see him analysing it, moments passed and he held his fingers up to make an O.K sign while giving me a closed smile.

After that I drew my curtains and started getting undressed, I chose to wear my 'I only sleep with pugs' pyjamas with the matching shorts <picture up top>. I picked up my book that I was reading (Gracie the Maestro) and started flicking through the pages.

About half an hour later I decided I had read enough and put down the book on my bedside table. I picked my phone up and started scrolling through my home feed on YouTube, I only had a channel so I could subscribe to people, I never actually posted anything. I watched a couple try not to cringe videos and let me tell you this now... I failed majorly.

An hour later after simply just lying in bed, I couldn't sleep, I was starting to get worried about Sara and Amy, 'what if they didn't like me,' the possibilities were endless, 'Sara could think I'm a bad influence on Amy,' I decided it wasn't best for me to be stressing about it too much but oh well I needed to get some rest for the day I had tomorrow, so I turned my lamp off and shut my eyes, pulling the covers over my head.


Hey guys so sorry that the second half of this chapter was so crappy, but I needed a filler sssooooo...

Anyway what did we think about the mysterious noise?
How are we feeling about what David told Katy?
See you all next time 😘😘

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