Chapter 5

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Niall's POV

I can't believe harry said that! I ran straight to my car and drove to my flat. I might have a tiny crush on the girl. When I got inside my car I got a text from Liam.

**Text Convo**

Liam: Hey...You ok? Harry was just kidding. Btw her name is Emily. Were at Louis' flat with Emily and her friend Haley so if you want to come over that'd be great!

Me: Yeah im fine...It was just embarrassing that he told her that. And im comin but when I get there I need to talk to you...alone k?

Liam: Ok mate see ya soon! Drive safe! Be sure to wear your seatbelt!

Me: Ok dad :P haha see ya inna min .


After texting Liam I jumped in my car and drove to Louis' flat. When I got there everyone was in the living room. Emily was in the floor and she looked pissed. Wonder whats wrong with her? Oh well Ill ask her later, I thought. Haley was talking to Zayn and they were laughing and smiling at each other. Aww I think they like each other. Nobody had noticed me yet so I went over and sat next to Liam.

"Oh hey mate!" he said

"hi" I mumbled

"Let's go to the guests room to talk k?" he asked

"ok" I said getting up walking up the stairs him trailing behind me.

"What did you want to talk about?" he asked

"Umm...I kinda have a tiny tiny crush on Emily." I said blushing and looking down.

"Aww really?" he asked

"yeah but don't tell anyone" I warned

"ok I wont" he said

"How do I get close to her? I want to be sure I like her before I tell her" I said

"talk to her and get her number" he said

"ok thanks mate" I said smiling

"no problem nialler. Now lets go back downstairs" he said

When we got back downstairs everyone looked at us.

"what?" Liam asked

"where did you go?" Harry asked

"to talk about something" Liam said simply

"oh" they all said in together

Emily's POV

God get me out of here I thought.

"Hey Em can you throw me that water?" Liam asked

"You got legs get up and get it" I said

"fine" he whined

"idiot" I mumbled

"what?" he asked

"nothing" I said

We all decided on watching a movie. I wanted to watch Insidious but being the chickens everyone was they picked out Finding Nemo.

"Are you kidding me? You want to watch Nemo but you wont watch insidious?" I asked

 They all nodded except for Niall.

"I'll watch with you in the guest room. Only if you want to thought" he said nervously

"sure" I said

We walked upstairs earning a few whispers behind us I turned around and flipped them all off making them burst out laughing. I glared at all of them.

"Do you want the lights on or off?" Niall asked

"Off of course unless you to scared like the rest of those idiots downstairs" I teased smirking

"No im not" he defended

"ok good" I said

Niall actually wasn't that bad. Wait what am I saying? No feelings. No feelings! Emily deep breathes calm down.

"Um are you ok?" Niall asked breaking me from my thoughts

"uh yeah im fine" I smiled

Could I possibly have feelings for a guy I barely even know? I thought. Oh well I'm watching the movie. Niall flinched when the thing pointed to the little boy who was in bed.

"Haha" I laughed

"Are you scared" I asked

"no...I had a cramp in my leg" he defended

"sureee" I teased

He glared at me. Towards the end of the movie my eyes started getting heavier and heavier then darkness took over.

Niall's POV

I heard her faint breathing. I look down and she had fallen asleep on my chest. I smiled and kissed her forehead and pulled the blanket over us and soon enough darkness overcame me too.


 Comment! Inbox me! Tell friends to read this book also! Also comment if you want to be any of the boys girlfriends later in the story except for Niall and Zayn! Byeee

If I'm Louder Would You See Me? Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now