Chapter 9

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Niall's POV

"Stay here" I whispered in her ear. I starting walking away and went around so I was behind her. I put my hand over her mouth and dragged her backwards a little to scare her and  then let go and she took off her blindfold and bolted in the direction to her bike.

"EMILY!!!" I yelled chasing after her

"NIALL?!?!" She yelled

I finally got caught up to her, she runs really fast. I looked at her and she had tears running down her face. She ran up to me and hugged me crying into my shirt. It was soaked but I didn't care. I wonder why it scared her so much I thought.

"Love, are you ok?" I asked her

"Niall I'm scared I think he's here" she whispered

"Babe it was only me I wanted to scare you a little I didn't mean to make you cry" I said sadly

"Niall um can we go to your flat? I kinda need to talk to you" she said still crying

"Yeah im so sorry for doing this" I said

"Ni don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault I'll explain everything when we get to your flat" she said

"ok" I said sadly

**Skipping ride to Niall's flat --Still Niall's POV**

When we pulled up to my flat it started pouring the rain. We both took of running in to the flat. When we got inside she was shivering.

"I'll be right back babe" I said to her

"ok" she said looking down still shivering

I ran upstairs and got a hoodie, a T-shirt, and some basketball shorts for her. I grabbed them and ran back downstairs she was sitting on the couch.

"sorry my legs were hurting" she said

"Don't be sorry and here put these on, the bathrooms down the hall second door on the left" I said giving her a small smile.

"thanks" she said smiling

I sat on the couch thinking about what happened earlier. I was interrupted from my thoughts when Emily walked back in. She looked good in my clothes too.

"Hi" she said

" what happened today? I didn't mean to make ya cry" I said

"its ok and we have to have a long talk that is if you have the time. And im only telling you this because I trust you." she smiled, a small one

I smiled when she said she trusted me because I trust her too.

Emily's POV

I cant believe i'm about to tell Niall this. But something about him made me feel like I trusted him. Well here goes nothing I thought.

"Ok you cant interrupt me while I tell you this and don't make fun of me ok?" I told him

"ok" he said

"When I was 3 my mom, dad, and I got in a car crash. My mom didn't make it but me and my dad did. He blamed me for her death because I wanted chicken nuggets and kicked my moms seat and made her swerve and hit another car. I guess it was kinda my fault but I didn't know any better I was 3. About a week after my mom died my dad would leave me home alone and come home drunk every night. One night he was way out of it and he hit me. And ever since that day he has beat me. Even if he wasn't drunk. He punched, kicked, slapped, burned, choked, cut,  and starved me. You name anything abusive, hes done it. One day he was cutting my arm and I ran outside to get away because he was going to stab me in the stomach that's when I ran outside. My next door neighbor Jay seen me and called the cops. Da-Robert got arrested for attempted murder. I stopped myself from saying dad because that man is far from being a father. That's when I moved in with my best friend James. James is like my brother. I was 14 when Robert got arrested. I'm 17 now and I haven't seen him since." I stopped and didn't realize I was crying until I felt Niall's thumb wiping my tears away

"Emily...oh my thought I was your dad didn't you?" he asked sadly

I nodded not trusting my voice.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry" he said running a hand through his hair

"It's ok you didn't know" I said hugging him

He wrapped his arms around me and I felt sparks. I've never felt anything like that before. And I liked it. Lets just say we stayed like that longer then we were supposed to.


Sorry if this is a crappy chapter its 11 here and im tired and I go back to school tomorrow. Goodnight my little oreos :) Comment!!

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