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"I always knew you'd return. Sometimes I'd go back to see if there was anything there, any sign. I wanted to be there for you.

Every time I went back, I'd sit on that small bench facing that tower and watch. The water around the island was always calm, and the trees never seemed to lose their colour. For somewhere that was meant to be depressing, I always saw it as full of hope. Hope for a new time. 

Then, each spring, when the flowers began to bloom, I'd make sure that there were poppies and some red tulips growing somewhere nearby. If you'd have caught me, but it was something to keep your memory alive. I'd never let you fade from memory - from anyone's memory. You mean too much-"

"Stop getting sentimental, Merlin," Arthur chided as he pulled Merlin closer. He hadn't changed since the day he died - his hair was every bit as golden and his eyes were still the same oceanic blue that were too easy to get lost in. 

"I'm not getting sentimental," retorted Merlin.

"Of course you're not, dollop-head."

"Still my word."

Arthur laughed at Merlin's reminder of their old conversations, his servants head now gently resting on his shoulder. Merlin's pale hand rested on top of Arthur's gloved one as their fingers slowly intertwined, the black leather feeling cool against Merlin's skin.

"I've missed you Arthur," Merlin said quietly with a hint of sadness in his voice. He had told the story of King Arthur to may people , but to say the king's name to the king himself after so long felt strange in his mind and slightly nostalgic. Arthur opened his mouth to speak, and he desperately wanted to, but he didn't know what to say. If he had remembered or felt anything after dying, then maybe he would tell Merlin how much he missed him, but that's the problem with being dead - you are dead. 

"Don't say anything," Merlin whispered. "I already know." 

He then felt silent momentarily, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the tranquility and company of the king, whom he quickly continued to question. 

"Do you remember anything?" Merlin asked hesitantly.


"Before you died."

"Well, I remember Mordred stabbing me and you killing Morgana."

Merlin sighed quietly. He had hoped that after everything, after all that, he would remember what was most important.

"And that you have magic." Arthur looked at his servant's face, his mouth open slightly from shock, his eyes gradually becoming more and more watery. 

"Merlin, do you honestly believe that I would forget something as important as that?"

"It's just," Merlin said as a tear fell down his cheek. "It's just that I didn't know what you'd remember. I'm glad you remembered that though."

"Come here," Arthur whispered as he held Merlin close to his chest. The king ran his fingers through his friend's hair. Earlier, Merlin had used a spell to make him appear the same age as when Arthur died, but inside, he felt as old as he was. His hair had returned to it's original dark brown, and due to Arthur's fingers, had become messy. Despite being over a thousand years old, his personality hadn't changed. He was still the same Merlin Arthur had always known. 

"Why don't you carry on the story?"

"What story?" 

"The one about me returning."

Merlin wiped away another tear before continuing his earlier story.

"There were always rumours as to what the signs of your return would be. Even I didn't know. I only know about one sign - Albion's greatest time of need. I don't know what this time is, but you're here now.

When I last came, this time, there was a storm above the tower, one like I'd never seen before. The sky was black only above the tower, all the clouds were massing around it, yet behind me the sky was perfectly blue. Suddenly the storm above the tower was silent, and then it's almost like I knew."

"What do you mean?"

""There was this spell that just came into my head, and it worked - look at you."Merlin laughed nervously, but Arthur ignored it and continued holding him closely. 

As the two sat on the banks of the lake surrounding the tower, the sky became slightly golden from the sun rising from behind the hill. Arthur's head followed a pair of swallows as they flew through the air, a smile growing on his face.

"We should go to my house," Merlin suggested reluctantly as he broke the silence. "I don't want to risk you being seen in your armour." He took the king's hand and lead him through the field towards the hedge and the road.

A/n: Hi! So, what to write on the first chapter? For starters, thanks for reading this far and for even clicking on my fanfic. Secondly thanks to SteamoReaper for giving me the title of this (she has some great ones herself, so check them out). I also have an Arthur x Reader and One shot (I take requests) if you're interested and I'd appreciate it if you could maybe check them out! Again, thanks for reading and I'll see you again soon.

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