Chapter 15

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Emily's POV: 

I hear Riley's phone ringing. We are all talking when she goes to her phone. She tells us that it is an unknown caller ID. James tells her to pick it up anyways. We watch her press answer and hold her phone up to her ear.  Once she say hello she starts walking away from us with one hand on her phone and the other against her ear that was opened so she could hear properly. 

Giselle: who is she on the phone with

Emily: i dont know but i just hope that it is no one that is bad

James: yeah

We see Riley starting to walk up the stairs. I know for a fact that when she walks up the stairs she doesn't want anyone else to know about it yet and that she is confused. She goes somewhere quite so she can understand it. 

Eldon: why is she going upstairs

Emily: she does it if she is really confused on who on the phone is telling her something and she needs peace and quite in order to understand it. 

Riley's POV;

Riley: hello?

unknown: hello Riley 

Riley: who is this

unknown: this is miss. kate

Riley: oh hi miss. kate what do you need

Miss, Kate: I need you to do a favour

Riley: sure but i am confused on why you would ask me and not someone like Michelle or Emily (starts to walk up the stairs)

Miss Kate: someone from the nationals crew would like someone from each group that is participating to go and represent their group. Chris and I decided that you could do it 

Riley: i am so thankful that i can do it, but what am i to do

Miss Kate: they have an opening assembly for nationals and you are going to talk about a troupe journey to nationals

Riley: oh okay! 

Miss Kate: so are you able to write it tongiht so tomorrow i can look over it with you

Riley: for sure

Miss Kate: thanks see you tomorrow

Riley: wait one question

Miss Kate: yes

Riley: how did you get my number

Miss Kate: from your parents

Riley: oh 

Miss Kate: yeah the parents tell me all of a troupes numbers so i have everyone

Riley: okay, well i will work on the speech and i will see you tomorrow

Miss Kate: okay bye Riley

Riley: bye miss kate

I just sit there on the livingroom couch and think on what i am going to write about when i realize that my computer is up in my room. i go up and get my macbook pro and head downstairs to the basement where everyone else is. 

Emily: who was that

Riley: miss kate

James: how did she get your number

Riley: from our parents, she has everyone's number

Michelle: so why did she phone you

Riley: she wants me to write a speech for the opening assembly for nationals and talk about a troupes journey from the start to then where we are now

Eldon: congrats

Riley: thanks. I need some help some so i was thinking that you all could help me

Chloe: great idea

Daniel: you should talk about our auditions

West: then the first a troupe

Eldon: dance captain

James: regionals routine

Michelle: loosing some members for a while or for the whole season

Emily: our final dance routine

Giselle: talk about the studio too

Tiffany: regionals 

Stephanie: then how we are excited for nationals

Riley: okay 

Thanks to all of my followers and all the wonderful comments. Who excited for the rewind episode tomorrow? I know that i am excited for tomorrow. I will be making a series of this so i need a title for book 2 and 3. Think of a good idea and i might just uses it. Shout outs on March 7th (day that season 2 premiers)

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