(02.) Cookies

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(02.) Logicality - Cookies
Requested by: jishwadunisjishwafun

Patton woke up first and started making breakfast for everyone like he normally does. While he was finishing, he heard a loud cough from behind him, and I turn around to see Logic. His hair is messy and is still in his pyjamas, he also looked really tired and his eyes are a bit red. He brings his hand to his mouth and coughs again.

"Are you okay, Logan?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah, I think I'm just getting sick or something." Logan replied.

"Well if you're sick you should be in bed."

"But Thomas-"

"No buts! Bed!" Morality cut him off.They stayed silent for a few seconds as they stared at each other and then Logan sighed and started walking back to his room after realising Patton wouldn't take no for an answer.

"I'll bring you your breakfast in a few minutes!" The fatherly trait called out to him.

After making breakfast for the others, he placed it on the table so when the others woke up they could eat. Patton put Logan's breakfast on a tray and started walking to his room. As he started walking up to his door he could hear him coughing. Patton knock on the door and let himself in. As he walked in, he placed the tray on Logic's bedside table and sat on his bed. Logan sat up, and cleared his throat.

"Thank you, Morality."

"No problem." Patton smiled. He place his hand on Logan's forehead and it felt quite warm. "Yeah you might be getting sick, I think it's best if you stay in bed and get some rest."He looks a little upset but agrees. Patton got up and started walking to the door.

"If you need anything just call out for me, okay?" He look back to Logan who nods. Paton closed the door and headed back. He got back to see Prince and Anxiety about to sit down. Patton smiled and sat with them, "Good morning."

"Morning." Anxiety grunts, looking like he is about to fall asleep.

"Good Morning." Prince smiles, "Where's our fellow side, Logan?"

"He's sick, so he is staying in bed today."

"Lucky." Anxiety groans not looking up.

"I don't think so, he looked pretty upset about staying in bed." Patton frowned when he remembered how sad Logan looked.

"Who wouldn't be?" Prince asked.

"Me." Anxiety said bluntly, finally looking up.

After they finished eating, Prince and Anxiety went off to do their own things, and Patton just started cleaning. When the kitchen's was clean, he sat down and thought back to Logic. He decided he'll try to cheer him up by making cookies, because who doesn't like cookies?

(Time skip.)

Finally finished, Patton placed them on a plate and headed to Logan's room, and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Logic said loud enough for Patton to hear and he opened the door.

"I made cookies!" He said as he walked in. He saw a small smile appear on Logan's face, even though he tried to hide it. Patton sat opposite Logan with the plate in between each other.

"Thank you." He said quietly.

They spoke for a bit while they ate when Patton got an idea. Logan picked up a cookie and raised it to his mouth. Quickly, the fatherly trait grabbed his arm and moved it to the side and kissed him. Patton slightly opened his closed eyes to see the others eyes open and wide. After a few seconds Logan closed his eyes too and relaxed. They stayed like that for a few minutes and then cuddled each other and fell asleep.

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