(09.) Always Here For You

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(09.) Prinxiety - Always Here For You
Warning(s) - Sleep Paralysis

I know I'm awake, yet here I am, unable to move a muscle. Forced to stare into the deadly darkness surrounding me, which is strange considering I always make sure I have some form of light to wake up to like the sunlight slipping through the slightly ajar curtains or the hallway light entering my room through the open door, but now it's so dark that I can't see a thing. Usually just being in the dark scares me, but this time my fear of the dark is accompanied by the feeling of another presence. I want to jump out of the bed and run -doesn't matter where I run, as long as I'm out of here- but I can't sit up, almost as if something is restraining me. My breathing become harder as I feel something begin choking me and I look over to the door and see a silhouette. A silhouette darker than the shadows of my room.

I want to scream and cry but no sound left my lips. As I stared at the figure I realise it was making its way towards me, slowly but would surely reach me and I could do nothing to stop it. All I want is for this to stop. I want someone to just enter through the door and save me from whatever this thing is going to do to me, but why would anyone come here at this time of night? I keep repeating in my head how this isn't real, that it couldn't possibly be happening, despite it happening before my very eyes. The shadowy man appeared at the end of my bed and though it looks like he doesn't have any eyes, I can feel his sharp glare eating me alive. Is this my end? That thought alone made my breath quicken once again, even though it still felt like there was ghostly fingers wrapped around my neck.

After what felt like an eternity, I managed to let out an ear-piercing scream and jump up into a sitting position with a hand against my quick, beating heart. The salty, warm tears that had built up in my eyes began to trail down my face as I tried to slow my heavy breathes. I heard footsteps treading quickly down the hall and not even a second later my bedroom door slammed open to reveal three familiar shadows. The light flickered on and almost instantly felt Patton's arms wrapped around me, trapping me in a warm hug. I look over his shoulder to see Logan and Roman's concerned faces and no one else but them.

"Vigil," Patton called out in a shaky voice. "What's wrong? What happened? Are you okay?" He kept asking questions, not seeing my inability to answer, but thankfully Roman could.

"Patton, give him a chance to breath," Roman said as he sat down next to me, gently rubbing calming circles on my back.

"C-couldn't move... a-a m-man- couldn't t-talk..." That was all I could mutter out in my panicking state. I felt another pair of arms bring me into a hug. Roman. I look up to him for a split second before burying my head into his chest, tears staining his white shirt.

"Just breathe, okay?" Roman whispered calmingly in my ears.

Silence echoed around the four of us while I calmed down. My breathing went back to normal eventually and my tears had come to a halt. I explained what I had experienced and watched as Roman and Patton exchanged confused glances at each other, however Logan came over with a small smile.

"You're alright, Virgil. You were just experiencing a sleep paralysis episode." He explained and sighed when everyone gave him a confused face. "Sleep paralysis is the sensation of not being able to move when dropping off or waking up from sleep. Your mind is alert and your eyes can see, however the rest of your body is paralysed," he paused and looked over to me. "I understand it can be terrifying, but you have to understand that everything you saw were just hallucinations and nothing more."

Everyone understood and we allowed silence to flow through once more. After a while I decided I was okay to be alone and allowed the others to head back to their own rooms, but if I was going to be honest, I didn't want to be by myself again. Patton and Logan had left but Roman was still here, embracing me in a hug.

"Princey?" I say and he hums in acknowledgement. "Aren't you going to go back to your room?"

"Actually, I think it'd be best if I stayed here with you, if that's okay." I tilt my head slightly after hearing this. "O-only because I want to be here to help you if you should find yourself in this situation again."

I approve of his request to stay and that landed us here, cuddling each other under the warm quilt covers. My eyes became droopy and I can feel sleep try to take over but I refuse to be lured into unconsciousness.

"It's alright to fall asleep," Roman sleepily whispered, brushing his fingertips gently through my hair. "I'm here now and I'll always will be.I allow my eyes to close and I soon find myself drifting away, but I here Roman whisper one last thing.

"Always here for you."

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