Dear Jihyun, Yes, I do. Yes, I am. I'm very happy we met. Which is something I haven't been able to say in a long time. You are actually a strong eleven out of ten, a ten on bad days. Rarely ever a nine. I don't like the whole general "short and chubby" girl spectrum, but I like you. I like talking to you. I THINK YOUR HEIGHT IS CUTE TF? ID BE THE ONE TO GET THE THINGS FROM HIGH SHELVES FOR YOU. - and whoever dates you should feel so lucky to be able to have someone who would fit perfectly in their arms to cuddle with. I haven't cuddled either, but I doubt you'd be bad at it - I would be the one to suck xD. I'd be honored if that was true~ But anyways, maybe we should talk about ourselves more. If we are ever going to develop our relationship~ [and here's a recent pic of me being a dumbass ;)] Sincerely, Dongmin :)
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