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Dear Jihyun,
       I know this might seem weird but, I couldn't help but notice the Minion bag in the background of your picture. Are you a fan of them?? Because I am, I love the Minion movie and all of the Despicable Me movies. I can't wait to see the new one!! Speaking of new movies, have you seen Beauty and the Beast yet? I did, and it was amazing. So much better than expected!
       You think I'm cute?? Well that's a shocker coming from someone as pretty as you. Seriously, when I saw your picture I swear I lost my words. You are breathtaking - And you're so short!! We have an 8 inch height difference! That's so adorable~ (sorry, I'm flirting.)
         You know, if you want to learn more on the guitar and piano I'd be glad to teach you. But we'd have to meet in person, and that'll be tough to do seeing as you live in America. But if we did meet I'd love to help you learn more, if you want.

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